Chapter 41

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Bucky had brought Victoria back to the compound about an hour ago. He wasn't going to pressure her to do anything, but when she said they could both go to one of their apartments, he couldn't help but stay the night with her. He curled up against her, holding her closely. The two stayed up for a little while, watching crappy TV and talking. But Victoria couldn't outlast his insomnia and ended up asleep on his chest.

As soon as Bucky noticed Victoria was asleep, he texted Steve. "I fucked up." It read.

It only took a few minutes before Steve quietly sped into Victoria's apartment and was standing in the doorway to her bedroom. He smiled for a quick second when he saw the two, but then saw how worried Bucky looked. "What's going on, man?" He asked quietly.

Bucky sighed, flopping his head down on the pillow. "We had sex." He admitted.

Steve let out a quiet laugh, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Okay.... Did she not get off?" He asked with a small laugh. The two were both being cautious not to wake Victoria as they spoke.

Bucky picked his head up, glaring at Steve. "What?" He asked in a huff. "Of course she did. But I didn't use a condom, and I know she's not back on the pill. So now I have to make her sick again. I hated seeing her like that.." He said.

Steve gave a short "ahh" at his confession. "It's okay. I think Vic is ready for the possibility of getting pregnant. She told me last week she was fine with it if I didn't use a condom, I offered. Just talk to her in the morning." He reassured him. He wasn't sure if Bucky was ready for that step, but he knew that she was ready. He also knew that Victoria would never try to rope Bucky into something he wasn't ready for, so if he wasn't okay with that possibility, she would take the morning after pill. Even if it did put a risk to any possible pregnancy she may already have from her and Steve having unprotected sex last week, and two days ago. Steve knew she'd take that risk rather than make Bucky feel uncomfortable or trapped.

Bucky sighed again, closing his eyes for a moment. "That's with you. She doesn't want a baby with a murderer." He said. He liked the idea of a big happy family between the three of them, he liked the idea of having kids running around the house, some with blonde hair and some with brown. But all with a slightly paler version of Victoria's perfect complection. It sounded good, a little too good. He knew Victoria would never want to have a baby with a killer.

Now it was Steve's turn to glare at Bucky. "That's not true and you know it." He said sternly, and accidentally a little too loudly.

Steve cringed when he saw Victoria stir slightly. He was hoping she was going to readjust and peacefully fall back to sleep. But of course she didn't. She picked her head up from Bucky's chest, smiling when she saw Steve looking at her. "Steve.." She said quietly, her voice still thick with sleep.

Steve smiled down at Victoria, rubbing her calf lightly. "Sorry I woke you, sugar." He said, still speaking quietly in hopes that she'd fall back to sleep soon.

Victoria smiled up at Steve, leaving her head happily on Bucky's chest. "Was you coming to join us?" She asked. She assumed that he had came in to curl up behind her while she slept against Bucky. He'd stayed every night with her since her divorce was final, she didn't assume today would be an exception.

Steve let out a quiet laugh. "I wasn't planning on it, I just came to talk to Buck." He admitted. He already dreaded spending the night without Victoria, but this was her time with Bucky. They hadn't discussed the logistics of this yet. She didn't know if they would trade days, share, or just do whatever felt right. He assumed Bucky felt the same way since he hadn't been joining her in bed this last week.

"About what?" Victoria asked quietly.

Bucky sighed, he didn't want to have this talk right now. He didn't want to have it in front of Steve, but it looked like they weren't about to avoid it. "I texted him. Doll, I forgot to wear a condom.." He admitted.

Victoria gave a small "ahh", adjusting until she could sit up in bed. "I didn't discuss this with you. Listen, I'm ready for the possibility of kids. I shouldn't have assumed we'd be on the same page, I'm so sorry, Buck. I will take the pill. I don't want you to feel trapped or unsure or not be ready. I didn't consider that at all, I should have." She reassured him. She hated that she hadn't even considered that. She and Steve were on the same page about the possibility of a baby, it was inconsiderate of her to assume Bucky was on the same page. She knew he hadn't had his life to himself for nearly as long as she would want for him. She didn't want to trap him with a baby, or even the 50/50 possibility of a baby being his, if he wasn't prepared.

Bucky took her hand into his, giving it a light squeeze. "I don't want you to take the pill." He said confidently. He wasn't sure if he was ready for kids. But he was ready to have Victoria in any way he could. If it meant possibly raising a kid with her and Steve, even if it wasn't his, he was ready for it. If it meant taking her on fun and carefree dates, having illegal sex with her on the side of the road, he was ready for that, too.

Victoria raised an eyebrow at him, surprised at his response. "Well, I've been having sex with Steve. So, if I was pregnant, it might not even be yours." She said reassuringly.

Bucky gave her a slight glare, one that wasn't very convincing, and he knew it. "I thought we were all in this together? So no matter what hair any kids come out with, they're mine. They're Steve's, too." He promised her. "Right?" He asked Steve. That's what he took from what Victoria had said she wanted when they all discussed this last week.

Steve gave a short nod, taking Victoria's hand. "Right. It doesn't matter who our kids share DNA with. They're all of ours." He told her. He had been on board with the idea of children, but he was honestly a little surprised that Bucky was ready so soon. Not that he blamed him, Victoria was fantastic. He remembered falling in love with her so quickly that it was probably embarrassing to any outsiders.

Victoria smiled at the two, keeping each of their hands in hers. "I do want to talk about something else." She mentioned.

Steve gave a quick nod. "Of course, sugar. But then you need to get back to bed. It's still early." He told her.

Victoria rolled her eyes at him, mumbling about the old man and his bedtimes. She laughed when Steve playfully elbowed her. "Steve, I think you should take your ring back. I think you and Buck should get one together." She said.

Steve raised an eyebrow at Victoria, his gaze shifting to Bucky. "You want to propose to her, too?" He asked.

Bucky thought about it for a moment. He did. He knew she wasn't ready to take the ring yet, so it gave them more time to get to know each other. But he did want this. He wanted her. He had already quickly realized after getting his mind back that any life he had, he'd have to be close to Steve. He was the last part of his old life, his life before he was a killer. And lately, he'd already realized he wanted his new life to include Victoria. It wasn't until last week that he realized he could have her in more ways than just watching his best friend love her. "I do. Not until she's ready. I told her I'd get her a ring that fit with yours." He explained.

Victoria interrupted before Steve could answer. "I don't want 2 rings. That's clunky and busy, and I'd probably lose one. I just want one from the both of you." She said.

Steve gave her hand a gentle squeeze, smiling at her. "Then we'll go out tomorrow and make that happen." He promised her, looking to Bucky for approval. He gave a short nod in agreement.

Right on queue, Victoria let out a little yawn, taking her hand back from Steve to wipe the sleep out of her eyes. "Lay down, we can discuss more tomorrow if there's anything else." Steve promised her. He leaned in, giving her a quick kiss before standing up.

"Wait, aren't you staying?" Victoria asked.

"Yeah, we've all shared a bed before." Bucky added in. As long as he wasn't the one curled up with Steve, he was fine with it. He slept better when he had Victoria at his side anyway. They both did.

Steve shrugged, climbing in the opposite side of Victoria. He was already in his pajamas, he was actually just about to lay down when Bucky had texted him. "I love you, get some sleep." He said, kissing Victoria on the neck lightly.

"I love you." Victoria said happily. She curled up under the blankets, surrounded by her guys, surprising herself at how quickly she fell asleep.

** A/N **

Updates will start to get a little slower. I am working on publishing a book, two actually. They're written in 1st person so I'm struggling to write the fanfics I've written in 3rd person 😂😭

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