Chapter 17

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Steve woke up first, the sun hadn't even risen yet. Victoria was curled up against his side, head securely on his chest with her arm tightly wrapped around him. Her face and neck still covered in pink splotches from crying, her nose pink, bags under her eyes and chapped lips. He knew he wasn't any better off. He lightly kissed Victoria's forehead before quietly sneaking out of bed.

Steve made his way into the livingroom, closing his bedroom door as quietly as possible behind him, wanting her to sleep as long as she could. He made himself some coffee and sat down on the couch, staring off into nothing. No TV, no radio, no sketching. He just stared out into nothing until he heard his front door quietly creek open, picking his head up to see Bucky sneaking in and the sun starting to rise.

"Hey, man. Just checking in.." Bucky said quietly, offering a sympathetic smile. Steve nodded but didn't respond. Bucky sat down on the couch next to him. "I'm so sorry, man." Bucky said after a few minutes. Steve didn't respond, but shrugged his shoulders. After spending the entire day yesterday in tears, he didn't have the energy to do it again. He wasn't sure he had the energy to do anything. Neither him or Victoria climbed out of bed last night, they both skipped eating the entire day.

"How are you doing?" Bucky asked. He wasn't really sure what to say, or how to help. Victoria was easy, hold her, let her cry. Steve was closed off.

"I don't know.." Steve said with a sigh. "We should've been picking out pre schools this year. Vic would've been my wife. Yesterday, she said we would've dressed up as Scooby-Doo characters for Halloween. It's just.. it's not fair." Steve finally blurted out, resting his head on the back of the couch.

"I know, man. I'm sorry. You two are the best people I know..this, this shouldn't have happened." Bucky said with his own sigh. "How come I've never seen her?" Bucky asked reluctantly.

"We don't have a lot of pictures from that day, everything happened so fast. When the doctor told us she had no chance of survival, to only expect a few hours. We didn't even consider taking a lot of pictures. I wish I had... They had Vic so drugged up, I know she doesn't remember it all." Steve said with another rough sigh, fighting back crying.

"I have a few. The nurses had my phone, passed it around that day." Victoria interrupted. She made her way out of the bedroom, Steve pulling her into his lap before she got the chance to sit beside him. She curled up in his lap, laying her head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around her. She handed Bucky her phone. "There's a folder in my gallery named Sarah." She explained. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see them, it hurt too much to see them.

"There's a password.." Bucky said hesitantly. He didn't want to push his luck, he knew she was giving him a lot by letting him see them.

"7218." Victoria answered without moving from her place.

"The last 4 of Sarah's social security number." Steve chimed in as Bucky typed the numbers into the locked folder. The folder wasn't big, but it included every picture from their entire journey, staring at a positive pregnancy test on a bathroom sink.

Bucky flipped through the pictures, neither Steve or Victoria looking. It showed pictures of her and Steve cuddled up together, his hand on her belly. Pictures of ultrasounds, selfies outside of the doctors offices with Steve beside her with a look of pure love in his eyes as he stared at Victoria. She had pictures of her pregnancy craving meals, a few of Steve walking into a bedroom with arms full of various fast food bags. At one point he saw a picture of Steve carrying a McDonald's bag, a taco bell bag, a jar of pickles, a jar of peanut butter and what looked like a milkshake. But the smile on his face, despite it looking like the middle of the night, was amazing. Bucky could tell how much Steve loved her. She even had pictures of outfits she had bought for Sarah. She had bought, as a joke, a tiny shield. She had pictures the nurse had taken during birth, Steve close to her side holding her hand, one of her legs draped over his arm. She had pictures of them putting Sarah's tiny body on Victoria's exposed chest, Steve laying his forehead against Victoria's as they both stared down at her. Victoria looked a little concernly pale in the pictures after Sarah was born, however. Pictures of Steve kissing her temple as she cried staring down at their baby. She had pictures after they had cleaned Victoria and Sarah up, Victoria looking much more lively, but exhausted and Steve holding Sarah like a tiny football dressed in all pink against his chest, the tiniest little diapers he'd ever seen, the tiniest baby Bucky had ever seen. She had a picture, taken by Steve, of Sarah's hand wrapped around Victoria's finger. The next, and last, pictures in the album were professional pictures taken of her already lifeless body. A few of her whole body in the tiny pink outfit, a few of just her little fingers and toes, her perfect little face. Then there were a few in a tiny white onsie with Captian America's logo stitched on the front. Bucky let out a quiet chuckle at that one.

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