Chapter 16

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Next morning Rohan and bondita reached to office. They waited for the owner's arrival. "Mam and sir please sit in the cabin sir will come after five minutes" A manager informed. They nodded and went to cabin. After sometime the new owner of the company arrived. Rohan and bondita turn towards him and got shocked.

It was none other than anirudh who has bought the new company and also the share partner of bhoumik group. Land slipped from Rohan and bondita feets when they him in front of their eyes. Bondita couldn't imagined earlier where she was going to buy the land he is the sole owner of the company. If she knew about it earlier she would never come there.

"Meet him, he is the sole owner of roy group and industry" Bhoumik Introduced them. Anirudh greeted with them with smile but from inside he was happy to seeing his bondita after so many years. His eyes got moist after meeting her but on the other hand it was different to both.
Bondita and rohan stood in shock.

"If I knew it earlier, I would never come there" She said to herself while cursing her fate. Rohan observed her dilemma. He just console her through his eyes gesture like nothing will happen.

"What happen with both know him before?" Bhoumik asked who is the share partner of roy industry asked in prank.

"Mujhe nahi lena land chalo yaha se rohan" Bondita whisper in Rohan's ear in little heaviness. and got up from her place.

"What happen bondita?" Anirudh asked in concern. Bondita looked at him furiously and said "it's bondita rohan sahay" She replied in an attitude way which made him shock. "What!" He asked with surprise. "Yes she is my wife bondita rohan sahay" Rohan added in her. Bondita looked Rohan with teary eyes. Because she knew that it is lie.

"Mtlb she....she...she is married now" Anirudh said to himself with his facial expression. But ignored his question like it doesn't happen.

"Okay let's start the meeting everyone" Bhoumik said to them. Rohan nodded bondita just sat down near with Rohan. Anirudh just in shock.

"Mrs sahay you gave your request to granted your property" Bhoumik asked. Bondita nodded. "Yes.... But I.... We don't want any sympathy to anyone" She said to looking anirudh.

"How many price of this land?" Rohan asked. "Just fourty crore rupees" Bhoumik told. "But advertisement me to 30 crore tha abhi 10 crore kaise badh gaye?" Bondita asked in surprise way. "Don't worry mrs. Sahay we are not taking extra charge from you, we are just telling you the fair price of that land. Aap janti hi hai jaha par aap log land le rahe hai vo market wala area hai aur market wale area kisi ko mat din par din badhti jaati hai" Bhoumik told to bondita because he doesn't know the relationship between anirudh and bondita. Bondita questing to bhoumik without looking at anirudh.

Anirudh watched her excitement for the land he smiled simply and said "okay aap log thirty crore me le lijiye" Anirudh interrupted. Both looked at him and made faces.

Bhoumik confused about his sudden decrease the price of this valuable land "anirudh what are you talking it's to less, why are you devaluation the price of the land?" Bhoumik asked in confusion. "I said we will provide the land in 30 crore, it's final" He confirmed.

Bondita just looked him furiously and said "I already told you that we don't want to any favour from your side" Bondita replied.

"We will buy the land in 40 crore" She said I'm determined way. "Bondita why are you arguing with him, 30 crore me aa to gaye phir kyo pange le rahi hai?" Rohan whisper near her ear which only audible to her.

"Maine kaha na rohan mujhe inki koi favour nahi chahiye, me khud kar sakti hu" She replied in determined way.

"Okay! Then deal is final, we will meet shortly" Bhoumik replied. And greeted with them.

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