Blessed are the Meek?

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A few more days passed me by as I did small jobs to help the camp. A group of them would often leave for a few hours but I didn't question it. One night, they arrived back after a trip and immediately called a meeting with a few people from the camp. As I knew it didn't concern me I decided to go for a late walk. The moon was particularly beautiful that night. It was full and glowing brightly and the wind gently blew past my face as I took a few deep breaths.
I was slowly walking back to camp when I heard it. A gunshot. 'Shit.' I thought. 'Did that come from camp?!' I listened out as more and more bangs filled my ears. I quickly took off in a sprint, back to the camp. As I ran the shots got louder and louder until I arrived. My leg started to hurt from the bullet wound but I didn't stop until I got there. There was a gang of people attacking the camp.
Lots of people from our group had hidden in the tents and the rest were outside, taking cover and shooting back. I sprinted over to where Dutch and a few others were taking cover, occasionally peering around to take a few shots. "Elizabeth! Where the hell have you been?!" Dutch yelled so he could be heard over the gunshots. "I was on a walk! I heard gunshots and ran back!" I yelled back. "Get inside your tent!" I thought about it for a second before replying, "No. Let me help!" I pulled my gun out and checked the barrel, it was full. "Fine! Then start shooting!" He said. I quickly peeped over the top of our cover and aimed my gun before shooting one of the men with a headshot.
It was chaos. Everyone was shooting and yelling, including me.
A bullet flew past my ear. "On your left!" I yelled at Dutch. He listened and shot the man. I took a few more shots, hitting the men with headshots almost every time but they kept coming. "Where are they all coming from?!" John yelled. "Keep shooting! They have to give up at some point!" Dutch replied. "Shit!" I mumbled as I shot my gun but nothing happened. I was out of bullets.
"There are more bullets in the tent round back!" Bill yelled as he saw this. I was going to have to make a run for it. "Be careful!" Sadie yelled as she continued shooting with her pistol. I gave her a nod in recognition. When there was a clearing in the shots I sprinted for it. I could hear the gunshots shooting past me but I kept running. My leg had really started to hurt at this point but I couldn't stop now. I arrived at the large tent and pulled back the opening, seeing all of the supplies. There was ammo and more guns. They must not have had time to grab the rifles before the fight started so I quickly grabbed them and threw a couple over my shoulder before sprinting out of the tent again.
A bullet whizzed past my face and missed by a few centimetres causing me to stumble backwards before continuing to run. I got back to the others and yelled for their attention. "Over here!" I called out as I pulled the guns off of my back. A few turned around so I threw the guns at them. I threw one at Sadie and John and they caught them immediately. "Arthur!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. He quickly turned to look at me and as he did I threw the gun into his hands which he immediately started using. I took my place back next to Dutch and passed him one of the guns.
"Hell yeah, Elizabeth!" John called out to me as I began using the rifle to shoot. I shot a few more men before one came up behind us and aimed his gun at Dutch. "Move!" I screamed at Dutch as I shot at the man. The gun went flying out of his hand and Arthur finished the job with another shot. I kept shooting. I had to stay focused, even though my leg had started to shoot with pain. "Retreat!" I heard a man yell after a while causing them to turn tail and run. A few jumped on horses while the others left on foot. No one left our cover until we were sure they were all gone.
"They're gone." Micah said to us all. I peered over the top before slowly standing up, along with the others. "That was too close!" Dutch exclaimed. "Who the hell are these guys?" I asked as I inspected one of the bodies. "O'Driscolls." John replied as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Oh, well now I understand why we don't like them." I added. "Micah, John, Elizabeth, go and check that they all left." We all listened and began to make our way over to the entrance of the camp but the second I took a step I let out a quiet whimper and fell to the ground. The adrenaline had started to wear off and I could really feel my leg now. "Are you okay?" Sadie asked, looking concerned. "Fine." I replied, pulling myself back up. "Your leg is bleeding again." She said, pointing at my thigh. "There's no one here." John called out from the entrance of the camp. Thank god for that. "You can come out." Dutch said loudly, causing the others to appear out of tents. "Abigail, Mary-Beth, help Elizabeth. Emergency camp meeting in 10 minutes. Everyone is to be there!" Dutch called out to the camp. "Come on hun," Abigail said to me so I limped away to the water barrels.

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