The True Incarnation of the Resurrected

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"W... what...?" I stared at Charles in disbelief as my brain tried to process what the hell he had just said. "I... sit down." He insisted as he sat on a log. "Charles... what are you talking about?" I questioned as I continued standing. "I... I went to bury him a few days after... everything but... he wasn't there."
I stared at him in confusion and bewilderment. "I..." I began but trailed off as I took a deep breath and sat down next to him. "I'm... guessing that the Pinkertons... well... I'm sorry." He apologised as I stared at the floor. "And you didn't tell me." I grunted as I looked over at him. "I thought... I didn't want to make the situation worse. I'm sorry." "Were you just never gonna tell me?!" I began to get annoyed as I held my tears down. "I was... just not yet." "You don't think I have a goddamn right to know that shit?!" I yelled as I stood back up and began pacing nervously.
"I... I'm sorry. I did search but... the only thing left was a blood trail to the path..." "What?!" I asked as shock filled my body... The bullet didn't kill him instantly... he was still alive when John came back...
"Either the Pinkertons took him or... he managed to get a ride with someone, I'm guessing to a doctor." "GODDAMMIT!" I shouted as I kicked a rock, slightly hurting my foot. "I never should have left! I should've gone back up there! He was still fucking alive!" By this point I was having a full on breakdown.
"Liz... there is no guarantee that you could have done anything and you probably would've been killed too..." Sadie tried to comfort me but it really didn't help. "I should've done something!" I sobbed as I fell to the floor, the thoughts of Arthur's last moments... alone... running through my mind. "I'm so sorry, Liz." Sadie said as she knelt down next to me.
I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself down, as I tried to figure out my next move.

"Y... you said..." I began after a minute of silence. "You said that there was... a trail..." "Yeah but I followed it and it stopped at the path. I'm sorry." "So... he was probably picked up by someone..." I continued and stood up as an idea popped into my head. "Liz... whatever you're thinking... don't." Sadie said.
"If... if he was picked up my someone... they might have taken him to a doctor, right? Maybe... maybe he has... has Arthur's body..." I trailed off as I ran towards Wish.
"Liz, don't! You're just gonna make it worse." Sadie tried to convince me but I was already mounted up. "Sadie, if he was taken to a doctor... the doctor may have that map... It's the only chance I have of finding my family. I have to do this." I replied. "Okay, and what are you gonna do if his body IS there? You think you can handle seeing him like that?" Charles questioned, sternly.
"I... I'll figure that out if it comes to it... I... I need that map... I need to do this... I have to try."
There was a moment of silence as Sadie and Charles both exchanged concerned looks. "Okay... fine..." Sadie finally reluctantly replied. "What's the closest doctor to Beaver Hollow?" I asked Charles as I pictured it in my head. "I guess... Saint Denis?" He replied, unsure.
I nodded before pulling Wish into a sprint away from the ranch and towards the huge city.

I wasn't exactly sure what outcome I wanted from this. If Arthur was there... I could get that map... but... Charles was right, could I really handle seeing him like that? Plus, it had been over a month since the incident, they definitely wouldn't have kept his body that long... but maybe they kept the map? His belongings? Anything. Maybe they could tell me what his last moments were like...
It was a long shot if he even MADE it to the doctors but I had to try.

My emotions were running high as I slowed down upon approaching the town. It was quite a ride and it was now the afternoon. I took a few deep breaths before slowly trotting into the city... Jesus... it felt so weird being back here...
Each corner I turned caused a new memory to come rushing back... along with a new tear.
The time Arthur was robbed by those kids... Colm's hanging... Angelo Bronte... Hosea... The bank job... That awful party... The riverboat job... Shopping for Arthur's birthday... Jesus... far too many memories.
I thought back to the time Trelawny had that riverboat scam planned... it was the same day me and Arthur had that huge argument... It hurt to think about... I hated him so much that day, but now? I would do anything to have him yell at me again...
Trelawny... TRELAWNY! He lived in Saint Denis, right?!
As I rode down the street where the doctors office was, I found myself continuing down the road and towards the post office. The doctors could wait...

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