Banking, the Old American Art

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"I'm telling you Dutch, this is the way to do this job. The distraction'll buy you all the time you need." Hosea explained our plan to Dutch as the three of us sat at the table, inside the house. "I... don't like it." Dutch replied which caused me to roll my eyes. Recently it seemed that Dutch was finding anything he could to argue with Hosea over. "It's the right plan. We've done the work," Hosea began as he gestured towards me. "I've been in town, looking, watching, and waiting. I've, I've, I've tested it as well as I can. It's the right plan." "I know! I just... well, between us three, I'm... nervous I suppose. I suppose that's it." Dutch finally owned up. "You're never nervous, that's been my job all these years." Hosea said. "I know." Dutch replied before taking a deep sigh and asking, "You're sure?" "Certain." I replied confidently. "Well... not certain it will be done but certain that it can be done, and certain this is the only way we can do it." Hosea added. "Exactly." I replied. "We've timed it out more than once." "Well, you're the expert."
"Gentlemen." Arthur greeted as he walked towards us but I gave him a quick death glare. "And ma'am." He added with a sarcastic smile. "Look, the bank... Karen, Tilly, Abigail, I sent them all. They all say the same thing. There's no more than one armed guard, and the police... it's a city, there are police but as far as we can tell, the patrols will all be going this way when Abigail, Liz and I cause the diversion." Hosea explained to Arthur as he pointed at the different points on the map laid out in front of us.
"What do you think Arthur?" Dutch asked as he sat back in his chair. "Well, I don't see we have a lot of choice. We linger around here we know we're dead." Arthur replied. "But the plan?" Dutch asked as he look up at him. "We got a decent bunch. We know how to fight. Those city cops, they don't seem so tough. As long as we move fast. I reckon doing it in the day with a distraction. If that's what Hosea and Liz are saying? It's as good a plan as any." Arthur replied. "I, I think I agree." Dutch finally agreed. "We do it at night and there's the drama of just getting into the bank. Can't do that silently. They'll pick us off far easier." I explained. "I know, I'm... I'm just making sure." Dutch replied as he held his hands in the air. "Every plan is a good plan if we execute it properly. Every problem we had was because we did not... execute... properly. Even Blackwater from my understanding." Hosea added and there was a few seconds of silence before Dutch replied, "You're right." As he stood up. "Let's rob this bastard. Everyone get some rest. We ride out in the morning. Look smart, travel light." He instructed as he walked out.
I stood up and nodded at Hosea before leaving myself. I really hoped we were right about this one. "Oh, Liz, wait." Hosea called out which made me quickly turn around. "Yeah?" "Can you run Arthur through the plan? I've got something I need to do." "Sure." I replied as I walked back towards the table and picked up the map. "Come on Morgan." I instructed as I headed upstairs to his room.
"The law are pretty useless in Saint Denis anyway and with our distraction it should take them a while to figure out what is actually going on and, hopefully, by the time they do you'll be out of there before anyone even realises you were there in the first place." I finished after I had explained the plan to him in detail, after all, we couldn't afford any mistakes. "Sounds good but I thought you were coming in with us?" Arthur questioned as we were both sat on his bed. "I was but Hosea and Abigail could use some protection just incase it goes wrong and with my leg I'm not sure I'd be that much use to you anyway." I explained which got a nod from him.
"Are you okay?" I questioned against my better judgment after a moment of silence. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He asked as he looked at me. "No reason. Just making conversation." I lied but I knew he could see through me immediately. I was a terrible liar. Thankfully, he dropped it.
"Arthur..." I began after another moment of silence. "Yeah?" He asked as he turned to face me. "My leg isn't the only reason I'm going with Hosea tomorrow." I said as I looked at the floor. "What's the other reason?" He asked as he looked at me. "I..." I began, not exactly sure why I was bringing this up. What I was about to say was a clear sign of weakness which I had always tried to avoid but here I was, about to open up to Arthur Morgan. "You...?" He questioned, encouraging me to finish my sentence. I wasn't sure how to say this but I needed to talk to someone about it and Arthur seemed like my best choice. He was the person I trusted the most. "Talk to me." He added when he noticed I wasn't replying. I took a deep breath before squeaking out a small, "I'm scared..."
"You are?" Arthur asked, clearly shocked and I understood why. I was never scared, not that I showed anyway. "Yeah..." I mumbled as I looked as my feet. As I felt his eyes burning into the side of my head, I instantly regretted bringing it up. "Why?" "I've never robbed a bank before and... I don't know... it's stupid." I replied as I shook my head, wishing I had just kept my mouth shut. "It ain't stupid." He replied which surprised me. "It ain't?" "No. I get it." He said which instantly put me at ease. "Robbing a bank ain't exactly a day to day activity. It's normal to be nervous. You should see Hosea before a big job. He's usually a wreck." I instantly felt my shoulders relax at his words. It was so comforting to know that I wasn't alone.
There was a moment of silence as I looked out of the window and noticed that it had gotten dark. Without thinking, I snuggled up next to him and closed my eyes. I always felt safe when I was around him. I had no idea why it was specifically him that made me feel this way but I was too tired to question it even if I wanted to. He put his arm around me and I allowed myself to fall asleep. We were gonna need all the rest we could get for tomorrow, after all.

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