New Love, True Love

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"Holy shit..." I muttered as I collapsed onto the bed next to Arthur, panting. We hadn't had sex since he left for Guarma and it was well overdue. I could still feel my body pulsing as I began to catch my breath, coming down from my high. That was intense.
I took a deep breath before sitting up and beginning to pull my sleep wear on. I smirked at Arthur as he watched me before I stood up and went to walk out.
"Where you going?" He asked as he sat up. "Oh, I have something I need to do." I replied, hoping that would be enough. "Where? I'll come with you." He said as he began pulling his sleepwear on as his clothes were still soaking wet from the 'surprise boating lesson' we had earlier that night. "No, it's fine, Arthur. I'll be back, I just need to... do something." "What is it? Let me help." He always became so caring after we had sex and it was kind of adorable. "Fine. I'm going to piss. Come if you want." I replied with a smug smile. "Oh, yeah no, that one's all yours I'm afraid." He joked. "That's what I thought. I'll be back in a minute." I added before walking outside and into the forest surrounding the camp.

A/N: I'm not writing about Liz peeing. You can use your .+*Imagination*+.

As I walked back towards Arthur's tent, I noticed that Mary-Beth was still awake.
"You okay?" I asked which clearly made her jump slightly. "Oh, yeah. I'm fine." She replied but it wasn't the most convincing response I'd ever heard. "No you ain't. What's up?" I questioned as I sat down on the log next to her. She sighed before replying, "Everything seems to be falling apart..." "I know... but you know it's gonna be okay, right?" I replied, trying to make her feel better. "I... don't know." "Listen, things are tough right now, I can't deny that, but that doesn't mean they always will be. You'll be okay." I explained. "But... Molly wasn't okay... and she was Dutch's girlfriend so where does that leave us?" "Molly ratted. The only reason you'd have to worry is if you did too. You haven't, have you?" I asked. "No, of course not. But... you know why Molly ratted, right?" "Yeah, I do. She shouldn't of ratted but I can't say I really blame her. But anyway, that's in the past. The truth is, I don't know what the future holds for us, in spite of what Dutch says, but I do know that you're gonna be fine." "Yeah, you're right. I just... I don't know. I miss everyone..." She replied with a sad look. "Yeah, I miss them too... "
"Elizabeth...?" Mary-Beth began after a moment of silence. "Yeah?" "Do you think... well... do you think that this is over?" I really wasn't sure how to reply to that. The honest response would be that yes, I had a feeling that this whole thing wasn't going to end well, but I didn't want to stress her out more than she already was, so instead I replied, "No one can answer that. We might get through this as a family or we might end up going our own separate ways, but what I do know is that you're gonna be fine. Whatever happens will happen and worryin' about it ain't gonna change the outcome."
I watched as Mary-Beth took a deep breath before nodding. "You're right." She replied before pulling me into a hug. "Thanks." She added. "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to."

"Everything okay?" Arthur asked as he walked up behind us, making us both jump. "Jesus, we really need to get you a bell or something." I joked as I pinched the skin between my eyes. "You said you'd be coming back and I just wanted to check everything was okay." He asked with a chuckle at my past comment. "Everything's fine, Arthur... wait... you were... waiting for her? Oh my god, were you...?" She questioned as her eyes got wide. I facepalmed before saying, "If you promise to keep your mouth shut, yes. We were." She already knew about me and Arthur so I couldn't exactly make the situation any worse.
"God, when are you two just gonna bite the bullet and go on a date?" She asked with a smile. "Never. Now go to bed." I replied as I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Alright but seriously, thanks Liz. I really needed to hear that." She added as she stood up. "De nada." I replied as she wandered off back to bed.
"What was that all about?" Arthur asked as he sat himself down next to me. "Just worried about the way things are." I replied and he nodded. We sat in silence for a moment before he added, "She's right, you know?" "About being worried? God, I don't have to give you the same talk I just gave her, do I?" I asked with a smirk. "No. Not that. The other thing." "The date thing?" I asked which caused him to nod. "Very funny, Morgan." I replied as I looked at the fire. "I'm serious." He said as I quickly looked up and made eye contact with him, shocked at his reply. "Y-you... are?" "Yeah, I mean, don't you want to? You did say that you wanted to." He replied with a smile as I sat there, confused. "When on earth did I say that?" "When you were drunk." "Wait... what...?" I said as I sat there in shock. "Not the only thing you said." He added as he lit a cigarette.
"Firstly, stop smoking. It ain't helping your TB." I began as I took the cigarette from him and tossed it into the fire. "Secondly, what are you talking about?" "So you don't remember saying, 'You make my heart feel squishy.'? Or 'When are you gonna ask me on a date? I like you.'?" He asked with a smug smirk. "Oh god no..." I groaned as I put my head in my hands. There was no way... shit. Why does my body always sabotage me when I'm drunk?!
"I... I was drunk..." I stuttered out as I avoided eye contact. "Well... you ain't now. So, what'd you think?" He questioned which caught me off guard. "About us... going on a date?" I asked in slight shock. "Yeah." "Morgan, do you really think that's a good idea?" "I don't know, we ain't tried it yet. Come on, I'm a dying man." He joked. "You ain't dying, don't be so dramatic." I replied as I continued to watch the fire, trying to get my thoughts together.
"Liz." He said as he looked at me. "What?" I asked, unimpressed. "Will you go on a date with me?" My heart skipped a beat at his words. I mean... I can't say I hadn't thought about it. Deep down I knew it was a terrible idea but... another part of me desperately wanted to say yes... I bet you can guess which part won.
"Okay, fine. But one rule, no romantic bullshit." I replied as I looked away again. The thought of doing anything remotely romantic with Arthur Morgan just felt strange. "Alright. Where you wanna go?" "I ain't got a clue, never been on a date." I confessed. "Really? Shit, I'm gonna have to step up my game." He joked which caused me to smile. I had so many butterflies in my stomach that I was scared a few where going to try and escape from my mouth.
"Since when were you so honest about your feelings?" I questioned after a moment. "What'd you mean?" "I mean that when we were back at ShadyBelle, I asked you about us and you... well, you went feral." I joked. "Yeah, I was a bit of an asshole." "Was? From where I'm sat, you're still an ass." I replied jokingly. "Alright, alright." He replied with a chuckle which made me smile.
I yawned as I looked back to the fire, tiredness beginning to take its hold.
"Get some sleep." Arthur said as he stood up. "Yeah, you're right... I should." I replied as I too stood up.
I felt my face glow red as he smiled at me. Why did he have this effect on me?
As I laid in my bed, I couldn't sleep. I was exhausted but I couldn't seem to shut my brain off. I knew what would help but I wasn't happy about it. No, it was fine. Just lay still. Eventually I'll fall asleep.
As I continued to toss and turn, I became more frustrated before finally giving up. 'Fine.' I muttered as I exited my tent and walked over to Arthur's tent.
I quietly pulled back the flap and snuck in before quickly laying down next to him. Immediately, my brain shut up and I could finally sleep through the silence.
"Miss me that much, did you?" Arthur asked and although I couldn't see him, I knew he had a massive grin plastered across his face. "I hate you." I replied as I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes. This man was going to be the death of me.

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