Our Best Selves

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As Arthur and I made it back to camp and were hitching out horses, Charles approached me. "Elizabeth, someone's here to see you..." "Who?" I asked, but he didn't reply, just gestured for me to follow him.
As we walked further into camp, that's when I spotted him. Rains Fall...
I instantly felt all the moisture leave my mouth as I stopped and looked at him from a distance. "You alright?" Charles asked, as regret washed over me. His last son was dead because of me... I had a feeling that this wasn't going to end well.
"Elizabeth." Rains Fall greeted in a soothing voice as he locked eyes with me, before standing up and walking towards me. "Look, listen... I—" I tried to speak but was cut off as he pulled me into a tight hug. Now, THAT, I wasn't expecting. I tensed up at first but quickly relaxed into his embrace as I began to tear up.
"I'll leave you two to talk." Charles added before walking away.
"I'm... so sorry..." I whispered through sniffles as he pulled back and looked at me. "Sit down." He demanded as he led me over the the table. I quickly did as I was told, desperately trying to avoid eye contact as guilt washed over me.
"Elizabeth... do you remember what happened after your father died?" He asked as I sat down across from him. I looked at him with slight confusion as I tried to figure out where he was going with this. "You blamed yourself. You guilted yourself so much that it nearly killed you. So, what did I do?" He questioned as I looked sadly at the ground. "Y...you told me it wasn't my fault..." I replied. "Exactly. And what did you learn after many months of guilt?" "That it wasn't my fault..." "Exactly. Do you see what I'm trying to say?" "Yeah... but he was your son and I—" He cut me off again, "And you are my daughter." He said as he leaned forward and placed his hand on my knee. "I may have lost a son, but you also lost a brother." He added as I felt a tear drip down my cheek. "I just don't want to see you lose yourself the same way you did after your father..." He trailed off as he forced me to make eye contact. "You don't have to worry about me." I replied, desperately trying to convince him. "Good. I've already lost two children. Please, don't make me loose another." "I won't. I've come too far to give up now—" I began but was cut off again by someone coming up behind me. "Liz, Dutch wants— shit, sorry. Hello, Sir." Arthur greeted as he spotted Rains Fall. "Hello, son." Rains Fall replied. "Sorry, I'll leave you two be." Arthur said as he went to walk away but Rains Fall quickly stopped him.
"Mr Morgan, actually, would you mind staying?" Rains asked which caught me slightly off guard. "Oh, uh, sure." Arthur replied as he pulled out a chair and sat himself down with us. "Thank you. There is something I wish to speak with you both about." We both looked at him expectantly as he began to explain, "I have made a decision. The tribe has to move. We cannot keep fighting in a war we cannot win."
There would have been a time when I would have argued back about this choice, but after everything that had happened... my outlook had changed. He was right.
"Where to?" I asked. "Canada." He replied bluntly. "That's... far." Arthur spoke up as he listened. "Yes, and that's why it is good. We need to get as far away from this place as we possibly can. That's... actually what I wanted to speak with you both about. I'm not sure how well things are going here for you, so-" I quickly cut him off. "They ain't going well. We ain't staying here much longer..." I lowered my voice as to not be overheard by the others. Rains Fall nodded before replying, "I understand. Elizabeth..." he began as he looked at me. "We are leaving tonight. I would like you to come with us." "I..." I stuttered out. "I want to... I really do... but I..." I quickly looked over to John and Jack as they were play fighting and using sticks as swords whilst Abigail watched, giggling. "I have a few things I need to do here first." I finished. "I understand. But you will be joining us after?" "Without a doubt." I replied without skipping a beat. There was no doubt in my mind. "Good. Now..." He turned to Arthur. "Mr Morgan, what about you? You have family here?" "Me? No." Arthur replied. "What are your plans for after?" Rains Fall asked. "I... I don't know, I need a vacation." Arthur said jokingly. "I hear Canada's nice." Rains spoke up. Was he... suggesting what I thought he was...?
"Really...?" Arthur questioned, clearly trying to gage the situation. "You are always welcome, son. I'm not quite sure what the situation is between the two of you, but my daughter seems rather infatuated with you..." "Father!" I scolded as Arthur began to chuckle. I quickly hid my face in embarrassment as I felt myself go red. "What? I've seen the way you look at him, my dear, I've never seen you so love struck. Not with Tana, not even with... well... you know..." I instantly knew who he was talking about. Tana was my ex boyfriend, but the other person he was talking about... wasn't something I wanted everyone to know, especially Arthur. "Don't." I quickly snapped, desperate to have that secret die with me. "Don't? Elizabeth Cheban, did you have a secret lover that you've not told me about?" Arthur joked but I wasn't joking. I was dead serious. "Drop it, Morgan. Father, don't. Please." I begged as I gave him a stern look. "Don't worry, I won't say a word." Rains Fall replied as Arthur looked more and more confused. "It's nothing to be ashamed about, dear." Rains Fall tried to comfort me but I quickly cut in. "Can we just... stop talking about it... please?" I begged. "Okay. So, Mr Morgan, will you be joining us?" Rains Fall turned to him. "I... I would love to." Arthur replied which made me smile. "Good." Rains responded as he stood up and walked over to me, so I quickly stood up too.
"I have to go and get the others ready to leave..." He said as he pulled me into a tight hug. "I promise... we'll join you as soon as we have everything here sorted out." I said as we embraced. "I'll see you soon." Rains Fall replied with a sad smile as we walked over to his horse.
"Miss Cheban! Arthur! Get over here!" Dutch called out from behind us which made me roll my eyes. "You should go see what he wants." Rains Fall said as he began mounting up. I nodded but as I turned to leave he quickly said, "I love you, darling." "I love you too, Father." I replied with a smile before carrying on towards Dutch and the others.

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