The New South

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I awoke the next morning to the sound of hooves leaving camp. I yawned and rolled over before trying to get a few more minutes of sleep. When my efforts seemed futile I sat up and stretched before getting ready for the day. Once I was dressed I wandered out of my tent and was greeted by Tilly. "Good morning, Elizabeth." She said with a smile. "Morning Miss Tilly." I replied with a smile just as wide.
"Miss Cheban!" Pearson called out to me as I made my way over to the campfire and poured myself some coffee. "What's up?" I asked him as I took a drink. "Are you busy?" "Not particularly, why?" "I need someone to run into town and do some shopping for me." He replied as he passed me a list. "It's only a few small things so you won't need to take the wagon." He added. "Sure, I'll head out in a minute." " Thanks, Elizabeth." He smiled and I replied with one before he wandered back over to where he was cooking.
I finished my coffee and grabbed my satchel before making my way over to Wish. "Morning girl." I said as I gently patted her on the neck. "Liz!" John called out as he walked over to me. "Hey John." I said as I gave him a smile. "Pearson said you were going into town?" He asked, I nodded in response. "Could you post this letter for me?" He asked as he handed me an envelope. "And see if we have any deliveries? It should be under the name 'Tacitus Kilgore'." He added. "Can do." "Thanks Liz. Oh and Bill wants some hair pomade." He said as I mounted up. "Hair pomade?" I asked with a chuckle. "What does he need hair pomade for? He's practically bald." I joked but my jaw quickly hit the floor as I remembered another use for hair pomade. "Ew! Ew! Ew! Wait... is Bill...?" "I don't know, I tried not to ask too many questions because, if I'm honest, I'd rather not know." John replied "Fair enough. I'll see what I can do." I answered before turning and riding out of camp.
The sun warmed my skin as I rode into town. I hitched Wish outside of the post office and headed inside. "Hello, I'd like to post this." I said as I placed the envelope on the desk. "Elizabeth?" The man asked, which made me jump slightly. "Oh, hello Alden!" I replied when I noticed who it was. "How's things?" I asked as I passed him the 5 cents it cost to post the letter. "Can't complain. Well, I can but I'm not allowed." He said with a chuckle. I laughed before asking, "Do you have any post for a Tacitus Kilgore?" "Let me check... ah yes." He said as he passed me a few letters and I put them in my satchel. "It was nice seeing you, Alden." I said as I turned to leave. "And you, Miss Elizabeth!" He called out as I walked out the door.
"Stay here girl." I said to Wish and made my way towards the general store.
"Good morning, Ma'am." The shop keeper said as I pushed open the door. "Good morning." I replied with a smile. "Can I help you find anything?" He asked. "I have a list." I said as I placed it on the shop counter. "Not a problem Miss. Give me just a moment." He replied as he walked round the back and began gathering the items on my list. As he was doing so I wandered around the store and picked up some cigarettes, a few sugar cubes for Wish and the hair pomade for Bill and placed them on the counter also. "Here you are Ma'am." He said as he placed the items down in front of me. "And these, please." I added as I pushed the other items towards him. "That will be $22.34 please." He asked. I quickly pulled out $25 in notes and passed them to him. "Keep the change." I said as I began putting the items in my satchel. "Why thank you." He replied as he opened the cash register. "Have a nice day ma'am." He said as I walked out. "You too." I added.
As I was about to walk back to Wish, I heard a familiar voice. I quickly turned to try and confirm my suspicions and began to walk towards a prison wagon. "Trelawny...?" I asked as I walked up to him. "Ah, Miss Elizabeth!" He called out as I stood next to the cage outside the sheriff's office. "What happened?" I asked. "I got caught in a mining scam, I'm afraid." He replied. "Do you need help?" I questioned, lowering my voice as to not be heard by the law. "That's very kind of you Miss Elizabeth but I believe that the others are already working on it." He answered with his usual amount of theatrics.
"What are you doing here?" He asked after a moment. "Running some errands for camp." I replied, smiling. "Speak of the devils, here they come now!" He exclaimed as he looked up. I followed his gaze to see Dutch, Hosea and Arthur all riding towards us with another man. "If that sorts that, may our friend be freed?" Dutch asked as he dismounted. "Sure." The sheriff said as he unlocked the cage, allowing Trelawny to climb out. "No more trouble." The sheriff said to him as he stood next to the wagon. "This was all just a big misunderstanding, Sir! Thank you for your generosity!" Trelawny exclaimed as he jumped to the floor. "I'll pretend to appreciate that." The sheriff replied as he walked back over to Dutch, Hosea and Arthur.
"Where you off to now?" I asked Trelawny as he walked towards me. "I'm currently occupying a little space near the fence. It's not much but it's inconspicuous." He answered. "Elizabeth?" Arthur asked as he drifted from the others and wandered towards us. "Hi, Arthur." I replied. "What are you doing here?" "Was running some errands for camp when I bumped into Trelawny." I smiled. "Suppose it's too late for fishing now." Dutch said as he walked towards us. "Miss Cheban?" He asked as he spotted me. "What are you doing here?" "Was running errands and ran into Trelawny." I repeated. Hosea finished talking to the sheriff and also made his way over. "Elizabeth? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Errands, Trelawny." I replied, getting sick of repeating myself.
"Speaking of, I should be off." Trelawny said as he took my hand and bowed. "Nice seeing you Miss Elizabeth." "You too Trelawny!" I exclaimed as I bowed in return. "Thank you boys! Always a pleasure." He added before walking off. "Why do you encourage him?" Arthur asked me as he pinched the skin between his eyes. "I like him." I chuckled. "You might be the only one." He added.
"Too late for fishing?" Dutch asked Hosea. "I'm still up for it. Arthur?" Hosea replied. "Sure." Arthur smiled. "Well good luck with the fishing boys." I said as I turned to walk away. "You should come with us, Elizabeth." Hosea added. "I don't know how to fish." I said as I turned to look at him. "It's easy, Arthur here'll teach you, won't you Arthur?" Dutch replied. "I will?" Arthur answered. "Oh come on, it will be fun." Hosea said. I thought for a moment before replying, "I very much doubt that but okay."

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