Liz POV:
"Ugh." I groaned as I sat up in my tent. My head was banging like a shit house during a gale. I definitely drank too much last night.
I rubbed my eyes and stretched before climbing out of my tent, grunting as the bright morning sun shone down on me.
"Morning, Miss Elizabeth. How're you feeling?" Swanson asked with a chuckle as I walked over to him. I replied only with a groan as I plopped myself down next to him. "Here." He added as he passed me a leaf with a chuckle causing me to look at him, confused. "It'll help with the headache." "Oh, thanks." I replied as I began to chew on it.
"Morning, princess." Arthur said sarcastically as he wandered over to us. "I want to die..." I moaned as I put my head in my hands. "What even happened last night?" I added as he laughed at me. "You don't remember?" "Last thing I remember is taking a bottle from John..." "That IS interesting." He replied with a sly smirk. "It is? Oh god, what did I do?" I questioned as I cringed. "You don't remember telling me to, and I quote, 'do you' in front of everyone?"
My face instantly went bright red and I quickly put my hand over my mouth as I glanced over to Swanson as they both laughed. "I don't even have a defence for that..." I groaned as I stood up and rolled my eyes. "It gets worse." He began as he looked at me with a smirk. "It does?" "You said some pretty... interesting things when we were alone..." he chuckled as Swanson perked up as if suddenly very interested in our conversation. "Nope. Enough." I exclaimed as I went to walk away. "Where are you going?" Arthur asked as he laughed. "Away from you." "Good luck with that, Dutch wants to see us both in Annesburg." "Uuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!" I groaned as I hung my head in defeat. "When and why?" "Now and Cornwall." "I thought Dutch told me to 'keep my nose out' of the whole Cornwall thing?" I asked as we walked towards the horses. "I think he wants to prove to you that this is the right move." "Fine... oh, wait." I added as I pulled the syringe out of my satchel. "You sure you're sober enough to be jabbing me with needles?" Arthur asked jokingly. "You wanna do it?" I asked sarcastically as I held out the needle. "I ain't got a clue what I'm doing." He replied. "Exactly, now shut up and stop complaining." I instructed as I took his arm before injecting. "Thanks." He said sarcastically with a chuckle as I put the needle back in my bag. "Shut it, Morgan." I replied as we mounted up.
"So, where are they?" I asked as we walked down the steps next to the houses but my question was quickly answered for me. "Was you followed?!" Micah shouted as he lunged out of the door and pinned Arthur against the wall. "No?" Arthur replied as he tried to push Micah off of him. "Was you followed?!" He shouted again. "He said no!" I exclaimed as I pushed Micah off of him and onto the floor. Dick.
"Okay..." Micah chuckled as he stood up off of the floor. "What is your problem?" I asked as Arthur began to cough. "What is your problem, sweetheart? And what about him? He don't look so good." Micah chuckled at Arthur. "Well, his can be cured but, unfortunately, you'll always look like that." I replied with a snarky tone. "What? I'm fit as a fiddle." Micah replied as he gestured to himself. "Not inside you ain't." Arthur spoke up. "And the outside could use some work too." I added which caused Arthur to smile as Micah's smugness wore off.
"Enough, all of you. Micah reckons there's a rat." Dutch said as he walked out from round the corner. "Yeah, we know. The girlfriend you had shot." I replied, unimpressed. "Not Molly. Someone else." Micah added. "On what evidence?" Arthur asked, clearly not believing a word he said. "We're only back a minute. Pinkertons show up." Micah replied as he looked Arthur up and down which caused Arthur to laugh. "We've been on the run since you two fools went crazy in Blackwater. We barely escaped with our lives in Saint Denis... now we got a rat?" "Well, Molly clearly talked but who else?" Dutch asked as he looked at me which I can't help but feeling was a subtle hint of his current hatred of me. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you Miss Elizabeth?" He added which confirmed my suspicions. "Don't even go there." I replied with an unimpressed look. "Oh, we're going there sunshine." Micah said as he looked at me. "It ain't me." I replied calmly as I knew they had no evidence to back that up as I'd only ever spoken to the Pinkertons once and that was when they barged into our camp at Clemen's point. "You sure? You seem to be having a real problem with Dutch recently." Micah added. "I got a problem with him 'cause his plans keep killing people, not because I'm working for the government, you over dramatic twat." I was still unimpressed but slightly amused by his accusations. "Really? Cause we never did get to hear your story, sweetheart." "My story? My tribe was murdered by the military who actually work for the government. Why on earth would I want to help them?" "Let me guess, Indian tribe on American land and you're annoyed cause they took it back?" "It was our land. They didn't take it back. They stole it from us. We were here first." I grunted as his words began to irritate me. "Just cause your mommy or daddy was killed by the military don't mean shit." Micah exclaimed as he stared me down, he was really itching for a punching. "Enough, Micah. Leave her alone. She ain't a damn rat. Maybe we don't need a rat. We got sloppier than the town drunk and they know who we are and where we are and what we're doing." Arthur said, trying to diffuse the situation. "The way I see it, best thing we can do is let the weak go, move on, get our money and start over." Micah began as he looked me up and down. I was sick of his bullshit so I pulled out my knife and threw it into the wall next to him, barely missing his face. "Say something else bout me and the next ones aimed at your eye." I spat as I looked at the surprise take over his face.
"Enough. Both of you. It ain't gonna happen. We're a family. We ain't cutting nobody loose." Dutch spoke up as Micah pulled my knife out of the wall.
"Well, something's gotta happen, and fast. Otherwise, Cornwall, then Pinkertons, they've got us pinned in here, and ain't none of them stopping." Arthur said. "Well Cornwall's why we're here..." Micah began as he passed me back my knife. "Shall we Dutch?" Micah added as he began walking away. "Yeah, it's time to go. Let's head to the river." Dutch said as he went to walk with Micah. "Ah, leave Cornwall alone. He ain't... look, we need money, but revenge? Now?" Arthur groaned as he walked towards them. "Of course it's for money." Micah told him. "Come on, Arthur." Dutch added, clearly trying to convince him. "This better not be no stupid revenge mission, Dutch. It ain't worth it." "Don't be ridiculous. Oh Arthur, it's just a simple social call." Dutch replied as he and Micah chuckled before they carried on walking. Arthur and I both gave each other unimpressed looks before following on behind them.

His Cure
FanficElizabeth-Marie Cheban was left all alone when her family were attacked. After being found, injured and unconscious, she was taken to an unknown camp as an outcast. Will she be the saviour that the Van Der Lindes need or will it all end in tears af...