"I tried to tell them not to get involved with those families." Charles replied after I had explained the events of the other day in the saloon. "So did I... but what are you gonna do?" "Dutch has been doing some stupid things recently." He said as he continued to clean his gun. "He's been doing stupid shit since I met him." I responded with a chuckle. "I don't think he's ever been sane."
"Charles, I need you for some business in town. Come on." Arthur sighed as he walked towards us. "Sure. What with?" Charles replied and he stood up. "Trelawny." Arthur answered as he rolled his eyes. "Good luck." I said with a chuckle before standing up and leaving them to it.[An hour later]
"Liz." Charles said as he walked up behind me, causing me to practically jump out of my skin. "Jesus, Charles! A little bit of feckin' warning!" I exclaimed as I stood up to face him. "Sorry. We need your help." "What with?" "Trelawny's injured." Charles said with a facepalm. "Injured?" "Yeah, he got beaten up, it's not too bad but seeing as you're the medic." "Yeah, yeah, I got it." I replied as I began to walk with him towards the hitching posts where Trelawny was sitting. "Holy hell!" I exclaimed as I laid eyes on him. "Hello Miss Cheban! A pleasure to see you again!" He greeted with his usual theatrics. "What happened to you? Looks like you were hit by a train." I asked as I leant down and began inspecting the gash across his face. "The people in these parts aren't the friendliest." He said but groaned slightly as I poked at the cut. "Sorry. You'll be fine. It don't need stitches, just bandages." "He's gonna be staying with us for a while..." Charles muttered as I looked up at him. "That's great!" I exclaimed. Yes he was rather strange but I loved it. "Is it?" Charles asked as he wandered off. "Ignore him. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I said to Trelawny as I began to help him up."Thank you Miss Elizabeth!" He exclaimed after I had finished patching him up. "So, what actually happened?" I asked as I picked up the bloody rag I'd been using to clean his cuts. "Just some bounty hunters, nothing to worry about my good woman." "Looks like they beat you pretty bad..." "It's only a few bruises. Charles and Arthur hit them back a lot harder." He replied with a chuckle. "I can imagine. Can I get you anything?" I asked as I stood up. "No thank you, Miss Elizabeth. You've done enough already, besides, I need to speak with Mr Van Der Linde." He replied as he stood up, bowed and began to walk towards Dutch's tent.
As I placed the rag in the wash bin, Arthur walked up behind me and made me jump for the second time today. "Jesus! Would everyone stop doing that!" I exclaimed as quickly turned to face him. "Sorry." Arthur chuckled. "What do you need?" "Good to see you too." He sarcastically replied. "Yeah, yeah." "You're good with numbers. Help me with the ledger?" "If I have to." I replied with a smile.
"Ready?" "Yep." I replied. Arthur was finding my maths skills very entertaining and kept coming up with equations for me to solve. "If I robbed sixty four dollars and seventy three cents from a stage and it was split equally between three of us, had to spend thirty four percent of it on food for camp and I kept four dollars fifty. How much would I have to donate to camp?" "Nine dollars and seventy four cents." I confidently replied after thinking for a quick moment. "Explain." "Fine. You robbed sixty four seventy three? Split between three would get you each twenty one fifty seven point six so you'd round that down cuz you can't have half a cent. Thirty four percent would be seven thirty three point three so you'd round that down too. Twenty one fifty seven take away seven thirty three equals fourteen twenty four. If you kept four fifty then you would have nine dollars and seventy four cents to donate to camp." I explained nonchalantly. "I'll have to take your word for that." He chuckled with a shocked expression which caused me to smile.
"So, we're done with the ledger... what now?" I asked. We were sat on his bed in his tent so no one could see us. "Suppose I should report to Dutch." He replied with a sigh but he didn't move. "Are you expecting him to apparate in front of you?" I questioned, sarcastically. He smiled and rolled his eyes before adding, "Ah, I can't be bothered." And flopping down onto his back. "I ain't talking to him. You give him bad news and all is fine, I give him bad news and he'll have my head on a pike." "What? No he won't." "Yes he will. It's called favouritism, Arthur." I replied as I rolled my eyes and laid on my back next to him. "You're his 'Golden boy'." "Maybe he'd like you better if you weren't so sarcastic." He said with a smirk. I was about to tell him off but... he had a point. "Fair enough." I responded instead. "So, Trelawny staying with us for a while? That should be..." I began but Arthur quickly finished my sentence for me. "Torturous?" "Oh come on, he's not that bad." "Trust me, he is." "Well I like him." I replied as I stared up at the tent roof. "You encourage him." He said which caused me to giggle slightly. "Maybe, but I love how weird he is. Are all British people like that?" I asked rhetorically. "I'm not like that." He responded which caused me to look at him. "You ain't British, Morgan." "I'm English." He replied which caught me off guard. "Really? Well I didn't expect that." "What about you?" He asked as he looked back at me. "Me?" I asked, slightly confused. "Yeah, you." "Since when did you start taking an interest in me?" I questioned with more sarcasm. "Excuse me for asking." He replied with a chuckle. "My Father was a Native and my mother was Irish but I was brought up in my fathers tribe so I'm more Native than Irish by culture." "Oh god, you're Irish? Don't tell Sean, he'll have a field day." Arthur replied which caused me to think back to when Sean had kissed me. "Yeah... found that out already..." I responded with a facepalm. "What did he do?" "You don't wanna know." "I think I do." "Fine but you can't tell Karen." I said as I looked back up to the ceiling. "Why would I tell Karen— Oh god, he didn't make a move on ya did he?" I nodded in response which caused him to laugh. "I pushed him off the second our lips touched but I know he and Karen have a thing. I don't need her bein' mad at me." "She won't be. She won't care." He replied. "So, you got an Irish boyfriend now?" He asked after a moment of silence with a chuckle. "Oh shut it, Morgan. You of all people know that a kiss doesn't mean dating." I replied but quickly felt myself go red as I thought back to the other night so I sat up to try and hide it. "You haven't told anyone have you?" I added which caused him to sit up and reply, "God no. You know what they're like. We'd never hear the end of it." "I do. I mean, Lenny seems to think there's something going on between us but I shut that down fast." "By chasing him around camp?" He asked as he realised. "Wait, that was before we... wasn't it?" "Yup." I replied as I rolled my eyes. "Why does he think that?" "I don't know, said somethin' bout you asking me to help you with your work." "So I ask for your help and suddenly we're a married couple?" He asked which caused me to laugh. "Apparently so." "I could get why us making out three times in two weeks could cause that, but asking for your help? They really need to get out more." "You're telling me. Wait three times?" I questioned thinking back. "The forest, the photo and your moonshine experiments." "Oh yeah... forgot about that last one." I replied, facepalming at my own embarrassment. I don't know why but suddenly my mind went to a joke and I didn't have the willpower to stop it. "Shall we make it four times?" Which caused him to give me a slightly shocked, smug look. "I'm joking!" I replied, causing him to roll his eyes and look away with a smirk. "How much moonshine have you drank?" He asked, jokingly. "Very funny, Morgan but I'm not that bad." "You really are." He replied so I gently punched him on the arm, telling him off, causing him to chuckle.
We sat in silence for a moment before he added, "Three's an unlucky number you know?" "What?" I questioned, confused but he just gave me a look that said 'think about it'. "Oh... Since when were you so superstitious?" "I ain't, maybe it was just an excuse." He replied which confused me even more. "An excuse for what?" "To do this..." he muttered before quickly leaning in and placing his lips on mine. I was shocked at first but quickly melted into his touch. "Okay, now that was smooth." I whispered between kisses which caused him to chuckle slightly before laying down and placing me on top of him. ~~~[A/N - Although I do write some sex scenes in this book, I will not be writing it every time. '~~~' means they had sex but you'll have to use your imagination. ;)]
The last time me and Arthur had sex, we were interrupted by Karen afterwards so it avoided the awkward conversation but, this time, there was no one to intervene. We laid there in silence for a moment as we tried to catch our breath. "We should really stop doing this." I spoke up as I lifted my head off of his chest slightly and looked at him. "You didn't stop me." He replied with a smug smile which caused me to roll my eyes before smiling and resting my head back down. "No, I didn't." As I closed my eyes I quickly realised how tired I was and, as I was thinking about how I should be leaving, I accidentally fell asleep.
[A/N - I don't know how well it was coming across but at the moment Liz and Arthur's relationship is purely sexual. Friends with benefits, if you will. No feelings involved... at least that's what they tell themselves...]

His Cure
FanficElizabeth-Marie Cheban was left all alone when her family were attacked. After being found, injured and unconscious, she was taken to an unknown camp as an outcast. Will she be the saviour that the Van Der Lindes need or will it all end in tears af...