Chapter 8

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The next morning, Florence woke at 8:00am. Something she hadn't done in a long time. She supposed that work out last night helped relax her enough to finally get some restful sleep. Sebastian still slept peacefully on the lounge where they had been last night. He hadn't bothered to dress himself, instead she had placed a blanket over him and a pillow under his head.

She decided to send Ominis an owl, asking for his help. She needed to get to the Ministry today but didn't want to be noticed. She was supposed to be on leave after all. She let her owl go and decided to wake Sebastian before heading off.

"Oh, good morning." He said, stretching. The blanket started to slide off him and he quickly pulled it back up.

"C'mon, nothing I haven't seen before." Florence flirted, hinting at last night.

Sebastian laughed, standing up and let the blanket fall before walking himself to where his bag was, putting some fresh clothes on. They packed up their bags and began the walk to the Ministry, Florence knowing Sebastian wouldn't approve of her plan. They walked the few blocks where they saw a familiar face out the front, waiting for them.

"Hey, Ominis." Florence called to let him know she had arrived.

"Hello, Florence, I got your owl. What is so urgent?" he replied.

"We need help with a prophecy." Florence advised him.

"A prophecy? And what do you mean, we?" Ominis cocked his head.

"Hello, Ominis." Sebastian remarked, alerting Ominis of his presence. They hadn't spoken much at all since school. Ominis grew tired of defending him over the years and trying to keep him out of trouble. He had seen him a handful of times, including running into him last week.

"Sebastian? I thought you weren't going to be here for long." Ominis said, eluding to the short conversation they'd had a week ago.

"Well, plans have changed." Sebastian and Florence began to fill Ominis in with the trip they had been on so far, how they had found one very vague prophecy and managed to gather the ancient magic. Florence took Ominis' hand and placed it on her chest, he felt the vial on the chain tucked safely under her blouse.

"So what do you need from me?" Ominis asked.

"We need to get in to find the prophecy. We believe it is in there, but we don't know where to start." Sebastian told him.

"Florence, you work at the Ministry... what do you need me for?" Ominis became defensive, worried he was being dragged into something he didn't want to be involved in again.

"I've never been to where they're kept. I'll need to be shown around. I don't even know what we're supposed to be looking for." Florence said.

Ominis looked deep in thought before agreeing. Florence pulled out her invisibility cloak she had luckily packed when they were at her apartment. They headed to a side alley and Florence threw it over herself and Sebastian. They followed closely behind Ominis as he entered the busy lobby.

"When did you get one of these?" Sebastian whispered in her ear, his strong hands on her shoulders as they crept close behind Ominis, almost tripping over him on the odd occasion.

"You once told me they were expensive and spells were free. Well, once I had enough money, I bought one so I wouldn't have to use your silly disillusionment charm anymore." She whispered back.

"Hey, it was useful at the time." Sebastian said, offended by the comment.

Florence vividly remembered him sneaking her in to the restricted section and taking the blame when Peeves busted them. She has always felt forever in his debt as he freely did that for her after only knowing her a few weeks.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now