Chapter 34

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit sexual content, reader discretion is advised


Florence and Sebastian woke early eager for Sebastian's visit to the ministry. Florence followed her regular routine and Sebastian followed her around the bathroom, unsure of how to prepare himself to present to the Ministry. Since he left Hogwarts, he'd only ever done manual labour at Marunweem, hardly a job you needed to be presentable for. He had never envisioned desk work for himself and certainly not for the Ministry, but if Ominis was recommending him for something, he'd accept it if he knew it meant he could support Florence.

He selected a grey houndstooth suit set. Florence hadn't really seen him in a full suit since Hogwarts and it brought back memories of her tearing it off him around the school. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind, knowing she had to keep him focused today. She took a comb to his hair, wetting it under the tap and brushing it over to the side, a more distinguished version of his usual hairdo.

They met Poppy outside and walked to the Ministry together, dodging the many commuters and talking about the Ministry, avoiding any talk of the horrors they'd dealt with that year.

When they arrived, Poppy went straight to the Beasts Division, while Florence walked Sebastian down to Ominis in the Improper Use of Magic Office to meet up with Ominis.

"Well, look at you, Ominis." Sebastian said, peering at Ominis behind his desk looking smart and proper in his suit with his badge.

'Sebastian, I can't see you but I'm sure Florence made sure you looked the part for today." Ominis said.

"Yes Ominis..." Sebastian said rolling his eyes.

"Good. Follow me. I'll bring him back in one piece, Florence. I promise." Ominis chuckled, leading Sebastian away.

Florence walked to her desk, her tasks for the day significantly less than the day before. Thank goodness. She knew she wouldn't be able to focus today.

Hours passed and just as she thought she'd go for lunch, Sebastian approached her desk.

"Yes, hello ma'am, I'd like to make an enquiry." He said, running his finger across the name plate labelled 'Florence McCallister, Muggle Liaison Office' on her desk.

"Oh, stop it." She laughed. "How did it go?"

"Very well, actually." He said.

"Are you going to keep me in suspense?" she replied, agitated by him dragging out the answers she wanted.

"I think I might. I do believe it's time for your lunch now anyway." He said, turning to walk away.

Florence groaned, pushing her paperwork to the side and following Sebastian. They found a bench outside in the courtyard and sat eating their sandwiches they'd made with the bread Sebastian had made yesterday.

"So... the job?" Florence asked again.

"I got it." Sebastian smiled.

"Doing what?"


"What? A curse-breaker? You?" Florence said, shocked.

"Yes, why is that so shocking?" Sebastian said, clearly offended by Florence's lack of faith in him to perform the job.

"You don't have ANY of the qualifications, you didn't do Arithmancy for your O.W.Ls... and do you even know what curse-breaking entails? How can you possibly have the emotional control to do it?" Florence said, getting anxious about the line of work. She was sure Ominis would have got him a simple administration job or something.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now