Chapter 50

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Anne stood up to greet them both, wincing as she rose to her feet.

"Oh, please don't get up just for us." Florence said.

"No, it's fine. I'm just so, so glad to see you both." She said as Sebastian almost ran at her, pulling her into a hard hug. Florence could see the muscles in his arms tense and he gripped her hard.

"Okay, ouch." Anne said, hinting at Sebastian to release his grip.

"Sorry." He smiled, releasing Anne from his arms and sitting down while Anne and Florence greeted each other with a hug.

"So, we have news." Sebastian said, with a grin on his face.

"It's twins?" Anne joked.

"Oh, ha-ha." Sebastian said sarcastically. "Actually, we got married." He smiled.

"And I wasn't invited? When?" Anne scoffed, her face showing she'd taken offence.

"It wasn't exactly planned. It happened in the middle of the ambush up North." Sebastian said.

Anne furrowed her brows, quickly changing to a smile.

"I'm not impressed I didn't get to see it but I finally have a sister! Thank god." Anne joked. "Congratulations!"

They flashed their brand new rings at Anne who admired them both, particularly Florence's sparkly delicate ones.

"So, I have heard a little bit of your adventures. Ominis wrote to me and told me not to read any newspapers." Anne announced. "What happened after the ambush?"

Sebastian visibly tensed, his forehead burrowing as he looked down at the butterbeer he was holding, tapping his fingers softly on the glass.

"Uh... I..." Sebastian began, struggling to put the events into words. Florence placed her hand on his thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"He was injured badly. Stabbed by a muggle. An Obliviator named Gerard, one of my close friends, actually saved his life. But, unfortunately a Healer at the hospital we once knew took advantage of her role. She used Obliviate on him and gave him Amortentia." Florence explained.

"What? Who?!" Anne said, her voice becoming louder.

"Imelda Reyes." Sebastian stated.

"Her? Oh my god, unbelievable! She was always infatuated with you." Anne scoffed.

"Did you know they used to date?" Florence said.

"I did not! Sebastian, really? What on Earth were you thinking? She was always vile. Always talking down to people like she was better than everyone else." Anne looked at him, disgusted.

"We didn't date, we just-"

"Nope, that's enough thanks. I don't need to know what you did with her. Gross." Anne laughed, her hand up facing Sebastian telling him to stop talking.

"But, you said she used Obliviate on you? How long?" Anne asked seriously.

"Two years." Sebastian replied.

"But, you're alright now? Or you still don't remember?"

"Oh no, I remember." Sebastian said, Anne's eyes widening at the realisation of what had to occur for him to regain his memories.

"Are you alright?" Anne asked.

"Perfectly fine." Sebastian said.

They sat in silence for a moment, no one sure of how to break the tension of the conversation they'd just had.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now