Chapter 16

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Despite her woeful attempt at some form of restful sleep she promised Sebastian she so desperately needed, she woke up first to the sounds of birds outside chirping at the first glimpse of sun. She brewed some tea and made herself a cup, pulling her coat over the top of her sleepwear and sitting outside on her balcony. The hustle and bustle of the London streets hadn't yet begun and she absorbed the sun, warming her skin slightly against the cool winter air.

She thought briefly of Natty and the prophecy, her eyes welling with tears at the thought of the threats made to her to make her choose to do what she did and it ultimately cost her and her mothers life. She shook the thoughts from her brain and focused on the day ahead. She was going to get that prophecy today. Then, destroy the magic. Then, she was free. Knowing she was so close to the finish line was scary. In all her years knowing Sebastian, they were never 'free'. They were always doing something, researching, scheming, exploring. The thought of bringing him to boring London to watch her work behind a desk for the rest of their lives was daunting. But first, the magic and the prophecy she told herself. Then she'd work out the rest.

She finished her tea, coming back inside to see Sebastian just waking up on his way to the kitchen, pulling on a shirt as he walked.

"Good morning, did you manage to get some sleep?" he asked, giving her a warm embrace and a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

"Somewhat." She replied, sounding slightly solemn.

"So, what's the plan?" he said, pouring himself a cup of the tea Florence had brewed.

"Well, we go down to the Ministry. Natty sent the prophecy there. Then, the ancient magic. We destroy it."

Sebastian took the vial out from his shirt, showing her he still had it as if she couldn't see it five minute earlier when he was without a shirt.

"Alright, well we best get a move on then. It sounds like a busy day. I'd love to take you out to dinner tonight after all of this is done, if you'd let me. I'd say we deserve it." Sebastian smiled.

A date? Florence realised she'd never formally courted Sebastian as her parents and society would have liked. They were already together at Hogwarts leaving date options quite limited bar a few places in Hogsmeade and they'd only been doing their usual activities of committing goblin murders since they had started speaking again. For some reason, Florence was nervous. But she nodded her head, agreeing to being 'taken out for dinner'.

After getting themselves ready for the day ahead, they headed out to The Ministry. Upon arrival, it seemed completely back to normal. Everything was fixed and while it was not full, it seemed a lot had returned to work. Obviously, Roscoe Brown was behind a lot of the dramas caused. Sebastian led the way to the prophecy room they had visited before, Florence waving her Ministry employee identification card to whoever tried to question them. They entered and went exactly back to the spot they'd found the previous prophecies with Florence's name on them. And right on cue, there it was, labelled with her name. Florence did think for a fleeting moment that things were going too well and she was expecting another dragon to slam through the ceiling. But they made it out unscathed. Florence left a note at the front desk for her boss saying she was taking another week off so she wouldn't be dragged back into the mundaneness yet. Another item ticked of her list for the day.

They took the prophecy to a side alley and Sebastian gave Florence the honour of breaking it. Watching her smash things with frustration did things to Sebastian, he didn't know why. She stood back as the familiar mist appeared, the voice of Natty emitting from it.

The magic-wielding child will belong to the last Keeper. Grave danger when the child learns of the Dark Magic of his ancestors before them.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now