Chapter 55

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Life adjusted easily to accommodate William in Florence and Sebastian's lives. He was the definition of a perfect baby.

Sebastian had returned to his new role as head curse-breaker and Florence enjoyed every moment at home with their son. They had even planned to travel to Feldcroft soon for Anne to meet her nephew.

One particular day, she realised she had never gotten to thank Garreth for what he did for her. She decided to pen him a letter while William slept. She took more of Sebastian's parchment and a quill, noting she'd had to buy him more soon with how much writing she was doing, and began to write.


I'd love it if you'd come for a visit tomorrow if you're free. Don't worry, Sebastian won't be here.


She sealed the letter and sent it away with their owl. She received an almost instantaneous reply, the owl back on her doorstep with a response.


I'd love to. See you tomorrow.


Florence smiled. She decided to keep the impending visit of Garreth from Sebastian as she knew it would likely cause an argument, though Sebastian kept his composure when he was at the hospital and he never asked Florence why he was even there.

After another mostly sleepless night filled with feeding and soothing and cooing, Sebastian bid farewell to Florence with a kiss, one for William too. She tidied up as much as she could before she heard a knock at the door. Right on queue.

"Hey Garreth." She said, opening the door and standing aside, allowing him to enter.

"Hey Florence. Hey, little one." He said, wagging his finger at William who was staring back at him.

"Come sit down, I'll put on some tea." Florence said.

Garreth took a seat on the lounge.

"Would you like a hold?" Florence asked.

"Oh, um. Yeah, I guess... I've never held a baby before." Garreth laughed nervously.

"Oh, come on. It's easy. Florence said. "Hold your arms like mine. Great. Now, don't move. I'm going to lay him in your arms. Just make sure his head is supported."

She laid William down in his arms who was making happy, contented cooing noises. His wiggling made Garreth uneasy.

"You're doing great. I'll be back in a minute." Florence said, moving to the kitchen to boil the water.

Garreth looked down at the infant, his eyes now closing in Garreth's warm arms.

"Hey, little guy. It's me. Garreth." He whispered. "So, it's kind of weird how I know you. Your dad doesn't like me. At all. And I think there's a part of your mum that doesn't either. But, we can be buddies. I'll be that weird guy you'll see at Platform 9 ¾ one day when I'm sending my kids to Hogwarts and your parents will point me out and laugh."

Garreth's deep, warm voice settled William into a deep sleep, Florence walking back in to the lounge bearing two cups of tea. A smile grew across her face, seeing Garreth gain confidence he didn't know he had.

"You're a natural." She smiled, placing the tea on the small table and taking a sleeping William away to pop him in his nearby bassinet.

"I don't know about that..." Garreth blushed. "I am surprised you invited me here though."

"I wanted to apologise for the other day... and thank you. You didn't have to help me and I know I was being an absolutely horrible person to be around."

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now