Chapter 32

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The train pulled into London in the early evening with Florence asleep on Sebastian's lap. He had his hand in her hair, running his fingers through it softly. He felt himself on the verge of sleep when the sudden jolt of the train coming to a stop jostled him awake.

"Hey. Wake up, we're here." He leaned over, whispering in Florence's ear, gently coaxing her to wake up.

Florence's eyes adjusted to the dim light and she sat up slowly, stretching and yawning.

"Sorry for falling asleep on you. You're just too good at giving me a good nights rest." She flirted again, her croaky voice not fully woken up yet.

Sebastian laughed and took her by the hand, leaving the train and finding themselves at Kings Cross again.

It always was strange to Sebastian to be walking around Kings Cross. He knew a lot of Hogwarts students, Florence included, used this platform to get to Hogwarts and he admittedly felt a little jealous he never got to experience the Hogwarts Express coming from Scotland.

They walked the short walk back to Florence's apartment where they were met with an owl waiting at their door. Sebastian cocked his head at the sight.

"It's Anne's owl." Florence explained.

Sebastian felt himself get slightly tense. Florence picked up the letter before giving the owl a quick scratch and unlocking the door as it flew away.

"Are you going to open it?" Sebastian asked, clearly eager to see what it says.

"Yes, alright. Give me a moment to get inside first." Florence scoffed at him.

She sat on the lounge, kicking off her boots and slowly opened the letter, building the tension which annoyed Sebastian.

Hi Florence,

I'm heading down to The Leaky Cauldron tonight at 8pm if you'd like to join me. If Sebastian wishes to come along, please bring him.


Florence threw the letter at Sebastian, allowing him to read it.

"Tonight? That's only 2 hours away!" Sebastian began to panic knowing he'd be seeing the sister he hadn't seen for years in only a few short hours.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to." Florence said.

"No, no... I want to go. I'm just... scared to see her." Sebastian admitted.

His admission shocked Florence slightly, she wasn't used to him verbally expressing how he felt about things like Anne and he was always so confident.


The time came to leave and head to The Leaky Cauldron after Florence watched Sebastian pace the apartment back and forth for hours. He held Florence's hand as they walked, a little too tight for Florence's liking. His hands were clammy and she swore she could feel him slightly shaking. She gave his hand a small squeeze, reassuring him it would be alright. Florence entered the pub first, almost having to pull Sebastian along with his hand to get him through the door. She looked around for any sign of Anne when she saw her familiar brown hair, identical in texture and colour to Sebastian, pop up from a table amongst the crowd. Sebastian froze, staring at her, Anne doing the same. Florence gently guided Sebastian to take steps forward approaching the table. He never took his eyes off Anne for a second, as if he was taking in how much she had changed over the years. Anne did the same, looking up at his taller stature. Florence stood back to let them figure out how they felt.

Anne took the first few slight steps forward towards him, Sebastian bracing himself to be hit, kicked, punched. Anything. He flinched as Anne took another few steps and he closed his eyes, instead finding Anne's arms wrapped around his torso and her head nestled on his chest. He relaxed, opening his eyes and reaching down, wrapping his arms around her also. He rested his head upon hers, Florence noticing tears in his eyes as he held her tightly, afraid if he let go he'd never get to do it again.

"Oh, sorry. Hi Florence..." Anne said, releasing Sebastian and wiping her tears with her sleeve and giving Florence a warm hug as she noticed her presence.

The three of them took a seat at the small table, Anne offering to buy the first round of butterbeers and heading over to the bar.

"How are you feeling?" Florence asked Sebastian softly.

"I'm good. It's good... It's... nice to see her." He said. It wasn't often Florence saw him stumbling over his words.

"Let me know if you need to go at any point." Florence assured him with a smile. Sebastian nodded and smiled back, waiting for his sister to return.

Anne came back with three butterbeers in hand, passing one to each of them.

"So... how are you, Anne?" Sebastian asked.

"I am well. Not much has changed honestly, just staying as comfortable as I can." She replied.

Sebastian looked disappointed. As far as Florence knew, his plan with Theophilis Harlow that they fought over in their seventh year never worked. She had read in the Daily Prophet that Harlow had been recaptured, presumably before Sebastian got to him, so he never got his answer.

"I did want to thank you for giving me space, Sebastian." Anne said. "I know it was a very long time, seven years wasn't it? But it's what I needed and bumping into you unexpectedly made me realise it was enough time to find it in my heart to face you again. I still don't think I forgive you, but I do want you in my life again."

Sebastian stayed silent for a while, trying to think of words to say.

"I don't expect you to ever forgive me. But, I do want you to know how sorry I have been every day of my life. And thank you. For not sending me away." He finally said.

"I couldn't send a sixteen year old boy to Azkaban for the rest of his life, as much as my heart wanted to. I knew that knowing what you did would be enough punishment. Azkaban is a death sentence." Anne explained.

"It has been enough punishment. Every day is torture. I'm just grateful I have people around me who stuck by me, otherwise I don't know where I would be." Sebastian said, looking briefly at Florence who felt like she shouldn't be sitting at the table listening to this conversation.

Anne smiled, noticing the look they exchanged.

"So, Florence told me all about your seventh year at Hogwarts." Anne began.

"Oh, great..." Sebastian said, rolling his eyes.

"Sounds like you didn't deserve a second chance if I do say so myself." Anne added.

"I'm going to pretend you aren't my sister just trying to bait me, but yes, I agree. I don't think I deserved one either." Sebastian laughed. "But, I've made a promise to myself to do better since she gave me the chance to try again. I'll never hurt her again."

"I'm glad to hear it." Anne smiled, looking at Florence. "Please let me know if he screws it up again. He never was the most sensitive of people."

Florence shouted them another round of butterbeer as they talked happily about their memories of school, though Anne and Florence were never able to cross paths at Hogwarts. They spoke about Ominis, about Poppy, about the professors.

"Looks like they're closing up." Florence noted, the barkeeper stacking barstools and chairs with a wave of his wand.

"We best get home." Anne said.

She bid her farewells, hugging them both.

"We'll catch up again soon, I promise." Anne smiled, heading home.

Sebastian and Florence held hands on the way home again, this walk feeling a lot more relaxed than the walk down earlier in the evening. Sebastian almost had a pep in his step, walking at a pace too quick for Florence who had to keep reminding him to slow down.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now