Chapter 30

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"He broke up with you because of me?" Anne asked Florence.

"Unfortunately, yes. Not directly because of you, but... yeah, pretty much." Florence sighed.

"I am so, so sorry!" Anne said, looking at Florence solemnly.

"It's not your fault, he was too stubborn to see any one else's point of view. We were just dumb kids back then anyway." Florence let out a small laugh.

"Well, I apologise for my brothers atrocious behaviour. I hope he has learned his lesson this time around. You're a beautiful person, Florence. He doesn't deserve someone like you."

Florence smiled. She was glad Anne had decided to speak with her. She had hoped it would finally be the start of a reconciliation for the Sallow siblings.

"Look, I must be going. But, I'll be in touch again. Maybe next time you can bring my dumb brother so I can kick him for breaking your heart." Anne asked.

"I'd like that." Florence smiled, bidding Anne farewell.

Florence headed back to the apartment where she was greeting by a mostly naked except for a pair of boxers, very much asleep Sebastian sprawled across the entire bed, mouth wide open and breathing heavily.

She watched him sleeping, remembering the eighteen year old Sebastian she had just told Anne about. He looked the same, but more mature. More defined. His body was bigger and stronger but he still carried the same sweet face she used to plant kisses all over in the astronomy tower. She was glad he'd reentered her life.

She lifted his leg in an attempt to roll him over to make room for herself to climb in beside him.

Sebastian's eyes slightly opened, blinking adjusting to the light she had turned on.

"Sorry to wake you." Florence whispered, kicking off her boots and removing all her clothes, discarding them in a heap before climbing into the bed beside him.

"How did it go?" he said, rubbing his eyes as she wrapped an arm around him.

"Really well, actually. She'd like to meet up again, maybe with you. Though she might kick your ass for your eighteen year old boy behaviour." Florence laughed.

"Oh, great." Sebastian said sleepily, turning over to cuddle into Florence. She didn't think he was awake enough to understand what she'd just said. "Thanks for doing all of this by the way. I'm glad you both feel like you can talk to each other." He mumbled, closing his eyes to go back to sleep.

Florence grabbed his hand and laced her fingers in his, raising the hand to her mouth and giving it a small kiss. "You're welcome" she whispered to him before falling asleep in his arms.

When she awoke in the morning, Sebastian was awake before her, brewing her some of her favourite tea, clearly feeling better. She regularly made a weekend trip once a month to Madam Puddifoot's to stock up on it. She could never find anything similar in London and it always reminded her of the fond memories she had going there when she was a student at Hogwarts. He brought over the hot cup to Florence who sat up in bed, taking it in both hands to warm her up.

"You always made great tea." She said, sipping at the boiling brew.

"Well, I learned from the best." He laughed, referring to Florence's fascination with tea that she used to brew for him all the time at Hogwarts. She remembered once taking him to the kitchens and showing him how to make it exactly how she liked it. He had never forgotten.

"So, what do we do now?" Sebastian asked, referring to the compressed ancient magic he still wore around his neck.

"Well, I think I need to speak to the Keepers, if they're still there. I don't have access to Hogwarts anymore, so I think I'll try Rookwood castle again." Florence explained.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now