Chapter 36

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Weeks had passed by since they took the vow and it was business as usual for them both. They had visited Florence's parents again recently and broke the news of their rekindled relationship. Florence did omit the part where he was living with her though. In addition to being an only child and their daughter, they were very in tune with societies expectations of them and would be mortified to know they were spending so much time alone together let alone engaging in pre-marital activities and sleeping in the same bed. Instead, they assured them they were "courting" under Poppy's watchful eye which they bought completely. Florence was unsure when she became so convincing with her lies, but she was glad it got her parents off her back for a while about 'finding a husband'.

Sebastian also got notice from his work that he was going to Egypt in the next week for two months.

"I was thinking, we make one more trip to Feldcroft before I go, tonight after work for the weekend. I think we could create a repository there. At the cottage. They might suspect the catacombs but no one will suspect a little old cottage occupied by a miserable cursed girl." Sebastian said.

Anne had decided to move back into the house at Feldcroft to take care of it since Sebastian was now occupying London full time for his job with no plans to return to Scotland at all.

"It might work. I'm worried we won't be there enough to check." Florence said.

"Maybe that's a good thing. We don't want anyone getting wind of it and you snooping around it regularly might tip off the wrong people." Sebastian said.

Florence was impressed by his logical skills lately. It was like having a sense of purpose in his life grounded and calmed him. He had never been so level-headed and relaxed. She knew he had to be completely in check with his emotions for curse-breaking so it was clear his training was paying off. She liked dating someone so level-headed. It was a pleasant change.

"Alright, I think it's a good idea." Florence agreed.

"Excellent. I'll see you tonight then. Love you." he said, giving Florence a kiss on the forehead before leaving for Gringotts.

Florence and Poppy walked together to work as usual, discussing Sebastian's upcoming trip to Egypt.

"Two whole months? How will you cope?" Poppy joked sarcastically, noting that besides the years they'd been broken up, they hadn't spent more than a few hours apart, ever.

"I guess I'll just have to learn to deal. It's great money. Maybe one day, we'll all be able to get out of here and live on a farm with sheep." Florence said.

"Sheep?" Poppy laughed.

"Sheep, pigs, I don't care but you know what I mean." Florence laughed. She was trying to see the bright side of Sebastian being gone for so long.

They separated for work and met up again after what Florence thought was the longest day to ever exist. She was eager to see Sebastian, feeling like she was on a timer until he had to leave her. She walked home with Poppy and realised she had beaten Sebastian back to the apartment. She put on some tea and sat herself uncomfortably on the lounge, waiting for him to return. He was actually late.

"Hey, sorry! I got caught up, a lot to organise. I'm sure you understand." Sebastian said quickly, busting through the door at 7pm.

"I thought we were going to Feldcroft tonight?" Florence asked, turning around to see him a sweaty mess, his scraggly hair even more dishevelled, some of it sticking to his forehead. "Did... did you run here?"

"Yes. Yes, I did. I was already running late, I didn't want to be later. Shall we go?" Sebastian asked, struggling to catch his breath and holding the door open for her, his arm still outside as if she didn't know where to exit the building.

"Are you sure you don't want to get changed first?" Florence asked.

"No, it's fine. Come on. Pass me the magic." Sebastian said.

Florence obeyed, placing the magic around his neck and following him out the door, locking the apartment behind them. Florence had managed to snag more floo powder from work, the pair deciding to waste no time. Florence went first, disappearing in a green puff with Sebastian close behind.

They appeared in the middle of Feldcroft. The air was cool and the sky was dark and actually a little spooky. Sebastian led Florence through the darkness to the cottage where Anne was waiting.

"You're la-" she began

"Late? I know, sorry. Totally my fault." Sebastian interrupted, pushing Florence into the house and shutting the door.

"What's with the rushing around?" Florence asked, his hand still on her back gently pushing her inside.

"Sorry. I just want to get rid of this magic. It's stressing me out." Sebastian said.

"Alright, well. I've already made a cavity we can put it in. We cover it, plant a garden over it. No one will know. I'm just glad you managed to compress it so much, Florence. It's made this super easy." Anne said.

"Alright." Florence said, nervous. She was unsure if the plan would even work. What was a repository supposed to consist of anyway?

The three went outside, placing the ancient magic under the house where Anne had prepared the apparent new repository earlier. They sealed it and pushed a pile of barrels over the top to make sure it couldn't be seen where the soil was disturbed.

"It's done." Sebastian said, wrapping an arm around Florence's shoulder and pulling her in for a reassuring hug. "I am certain this is the best place."

"It better be." Florence muttered, her anxious feelings not subsiding at all.

They ate supper Anne had prepared for them all and retreated to bed. Sebastian took the couch, allowing Florence and Anne to share the double bed she'd conjured months ago. He said he felt strange sharing a bed with a girl with his sister right there. Plus, he didn't want Anne sleeping on the uncomfortable sofa.


The weekend passed quickly, they lazed around Feldcroft, taking a trip to the coast to dip their toes in the icy sea water avoiding the few lingering Dugbogs. They ate, they laughed, they drank. Florence imagined this is what it felt like for Sebastian, Anne and Ominis before Anne got cursed and she suddenly felt guilty for taking Ominis' place and wished she was able to be there for the glory days at Hogwarts. But, she was glad to see Sebastian and Anne smiling. She had hoped and prayed for years that somehow, in someway, they would reconcile, even when she hadn't spoken to Sebastian for years. And here it was, happening before her very eyes.

Tears were shed when they had to return to London on Sunday evening, Anne knowing she wouldn't be seeing Sebastian for months as he left for work.

"Be safe." Anne whispered in his ear as they hugged hard, bidding each other a tearful farewell.

"Florence, write to me whenever you want. You are more than welcome to come and stay whenever you like. Merlin knows I'd love a friend here. It's so lonely." Anne told Florence.

"Of course. I'll see you soon." Florence smiled, wiping a tear.

Though it hadn't been long, Florence imagined her relationship with Anne is what it would have been like to have a sister. She always longed for a sibling, but her parents were only able to have her.

They travelled home via the floo network again and went straight to sleep, tired from their weekend and knowing Sebastian had lots of travel ahead of him.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now