Chapter 25 - The Past

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Florence woke up the next morning with a sore head but also a feeling of euphoria. She'd gone from complete frustration with Sebastian to announcing their love for one another and showing it to each other in the most intimate of ways. They had made brief plans for breakfast in the Great Hall before a trip into Hogsmeade for the day after their evening in the restricted section.

She bathed, trying to make herself feel any sort of better than she was currently feeling and kept her hair in the same loose braid as the previous night. She wore tight brown pants and boots and a thick cream knitted jumper. As she headed to the Great Hall, a familiar face was calling her name.

"Florence, is that you?"

She turned her head to see Ominis, facing her direction.

"Hi Ominis, yes it's me." She said, approaching him, shocked as they hadn't spoken at all this year.

"I heard you and Sebastian made quite the display at the party last night." Ominis said.

Florence gulped. She was anticipating a lecture about how irresponsible it was to be fraternising with someone like him. He was dangerous and couldn't be trusted.

"I have been waiting for this to happen." He said, making Florence scratch her head. "We all knew you two were supposed to be together. I hope he treats you as you deserve and makes you truly happy. Let me know if he doesn't."

"Thank you, Ominis. It's been good to talk to you." Florence said, smiling.

Ominis bid her farewell and Florence continued into the Great Hall where Sebastian was already sitting at the Slytherin table. He looked almost as bad as she felt, his head in his hands, his hair messier than usual and his shirt untucked with the tie so loose it would almost undo itself. She was shocked when he greeted her good morning with a kiss, looking around to see if anyone had noticed it.

"Did you sleep well?" Sebastian asked Florence, now shovelling in copious amounts of bacon and eggs, presumably to heal his stomach.

"Surprisingly, yes." Florence said.

It was the first time she had slept peacefully in months.

"Great, because once I shake this headache I'm taking you to Hogsmeade, I'm not sure if you remembered last night." He laughed.

"Oh, I remembered everything." Florence flirted back.

Sebastian's posture changed slightly, pulling his shoulders back as he finished his mouthful of food, a smirk appearing across his face.

"Well, you better eat up then. Big day." He said.

Florence helped herself to some baked goods and tea.

When they'd finished eating, Sebastian laced his hand in hers, passing through the crowds coming and going from the Great Hall. Florence smiled, finally feeling validated and loved. They strolled down to Hogsmeade in the crisp air, hand in hand and enjoyed the sunny winter morning. As they walked along the uneven road, Sebastian fought back the intrusive thoughts of pulling Florence off the path and continuing what they started last night. He'd had one taste and he was eager for more.

They arrived in Hogsmeade, Sebastian telling Florence to visit any shops she liked.

They visited Honeydukes to pick up some snacks, Florence grabbed her favourite tea from Madam Puddifoots and they ended their trip at Tomes and Scrolls. Florence browsed a few books, however nothing piqued her interest. She watched Sebastian in his element, browsing book upon book. She stood near the entrance, leaning against a bookshelf, watching his facial expressions change as he flicked through each book he picked up. If his brain had cogs, she would have heard them turning. She always remembered learning he was so studious as he never appeared that way at face value. She adored watching his eyes scan the pages as he completely lost himself to the book, forgetting his surroundings. She stood there for what felt like hours before walking up behind him and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Anything you like?" she said, slightly startling him slightly.

"A few." he said, taking the three books he had propped under his arm and handing them to the shopkeeper, counting out his galleons and passing them over.

They decided to eat at The Three Broomsticks, enjoying a butterbeer each.

"I did want to ask you something." Sebastian started between mouthfuls of food.

Florence's eyes moved from her food to meet Sebastian's, who was already looking at her intently.

"I realise I've hurt you a lot. I don't know why you you've decided to put up with me for so long but I know that if I don't appreciate and love you the way you deserve, I will lose you forever and I never want that to happen. So, I wanted to ask if you wanted to officially be my girlfriend." He asked.

Florence smiled and stifled a small laugh. She had never wanted anything more but had just come to terms with the fact that it would probably never happen.

"I don't want to pressure you to do something you aren't comfortable with, Sebastian." Florence said.

"I know, but you aren't pressuring me. This is what I want. Merlin knows it's what I need. So, if you'll have me then I'm yours." He said, reaching across and taking her hands in his.

Florence nodded and leaned across the table to give him a kiss.

"Well, on that note, should we head back to the castle, Sebastian's girlfriend?" he said, standing up with a large grin on his face.

Florence nudged him hard, laughing as they walked back in the dark together, hand in hand, Florence feeling like she was walking on clouds.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now