Chapter 54

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Sebastian quickly left Ominis behind, running as fast as he could. He didn't know he could even reach those speeds. He busted through the hospital doors quickly.

"Florence Sallow?" he said, almost too loudly at the receptionist who quickly pointed him towards a corridor.

He began to jog, peering into each room he saw. No sign of her.

"This is impossible..." he said, every corner making him more confused.

He heard faint screams of pain. It was her. He ran back down the corridor he'd already been in and turned right instead of left. He heard it again. It was almost like when he used to help Florence find those field guide pages for Professor Weasley.

'Room 74' he noticed the sounds coming from. He quietly pushed the door open just in case he was mistaken and heard the loud breathing of his wife and saw a pained look on her face as he tiptoed into the room.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" she yelled catching a glimpse of Sebastian, almost pulling herself off the bed as she yanked his tie and pulled him close. "Where have you been, I need you! I NEED YOU!"

"I'm so sorry, my love. I didn't know. I'm here now, though. I'm here." He said, stroking her sweaty head and pushing her sweaty little blonde hairs off her forehead.

He climbed up and sat behind her on the bed, letting her lean her weight back into him while he removed his suit jacket and tie and tossed them on a chair, rolling up his sleeves. He rubbed her back and shoulders, stroking her hair to help calm her, encouraging deep, shallow breaths. He wished he could take some of the pain for her, seeing her writhe around praying for death was almost killing him.

"It's just one day. Then we start the rest of our lives. Only a few hours." He whispered to her.

She focused her breathing, squeezing onto his hands that were wrapped around her as she breathed in and out as slowly as she could.

"I think... it's now..." Florence said.

"Oh... shit." Sebastian said, jumping off the bed quickly. He dared to steal a look under her gown and was regretful he did.

"Oh my god, yes, it's now. Oh, fuck." He said, starting to panic, pacing back and forth in the room and trying to forget the image he'd just seen.

"Oh, just go and get the fucking nurse!" she yelled, fighting the urge to lash out and kick him.

He left quickly and returned no more than 30 seconds later with the first nurse he could grab in the corridor, who looked stunned by his sudden grabbing of her arm and dragging her into the room.

"Alright, Florence. He was right, it is time. Find a comfortable position and let's do this." The wonderful nurse directed, having a look herself.

"Get here!" Florence barked at Sebastian, pointing sharply at the bed. He clamoured onto the bed, propping his back with pillows. Florence turned around and knelt in front of him and placed her hands on both of his shoulders. She pressed her forehead to his, inhaling his musky scent, using it as a drive to get the job done.

"And go." The nurse said.

She squeezed his shoulders hard as she pushed, leaving nail marks on his shoulders through his shirt. She felt Sebastian tense in pain, though he didn't say a word. He placed both hands on her hips, gently rubbing his thumbs on them while whispering encouraging words to her.

She channelled all the energy she had inside herself and used it. As she pushed hard, she felt herself begin to lose control of the emotions she had, her hands beginning to glow blue as she dug her hands deeper into Sebastian's traps.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now