Chapter 27 - The Past

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit sexual content, reader discretion is advised


Florence had no choice but to see Sebastian the next day. They were unfortunately paired next to each other in potions. They both struggled to find words to say to each other after their short disagreement yesterday.

"What's the matter? Trouble in paradise?" Garreth quipped from the other side of the table, noticing the tension between them as they all worked silently on their potions.

"Stop it, Garreth." Florence uttered.

"Aww, come over to this side of the table, Florence. It's much more fun than being next to him." He said, raising his eyebrows up and down in her direction.

"Shut your goddamn mouth, Weasley, or I'll go over there and do it for you." Sebastian's deep voice snapped at him, finally lifting his eyes from his own potions book.

Garreth's posture changed and the smirk wiped off his face, realising perhaps he'd crossed the line. "Sorry..." he mumbled.

After class, Sebastian left quickly. Florence took after him in a light jog, hoping to catch him.

"Hey! Sebastian!" She called.

He didn't respond and continued to walk.

"Sebastian!" she cried out.

Nothing again.

"Sebastian Sallow, you fucking listen to me right now."

Sebastian stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face Florence. His eyes darted across the hall, finding what he was looking for. He grabbed the clasp on the front of her robe and dragged Florence into a nearby broom cupboard, pushing her against a wall as a few brooms fell with a loud bang on the floor.

"What the fu-" Florence started.

"Shhh." He said, pressing his finger to her mouth. "Let me talk."

Florence nodded, his finger moving from her mouth slowly.

"I understand we aren't seeing eye to eye right now, but I'm not going to let that ginger prick try and chat you up while I'm standing right there." He said angrily, under his breath. Florence noticed his chest rising and falling fast.

"Are you feeling threatened? By Garreth Weasley? Seriously? You have nothing to worry about." Florence reassured him, placing a hand across his chest.

"I know I have nothing to worry about. But I won't let him disrespect you. You've always been mine." He said.

Florence knew she should be worried, nervous or even scared. Any emotion other than what she was feeling right now. Lust. She hated that him getting jealous and defensive made her feel a certain type of way. If she wasn't being pressed against a wall and supported by Sebastian right now, her knees probably would have buckled from underneath her.

"I'm yours." She said softly.

"Say it again." He demanded, growling in her ear.

"I'm yours, Sebastian." She whispered again.

"God, I love it when you say my name like that." He groaned hungrily, before grabbing her jaw with one hand tightly, pulling her face up to meet his, his deep breaths hitting her face, his chest rising and falling heavily against hers.

"Kiss me, please..." Florence begged.

He obliged, pressing his face against hers hard, opening his mouth for her. His hand released the grip on her face, one moving to her hip and the other untucking her shirt from her skirt, gently caressing her abdomen. He moved the hand from her hip, reaching up and pulling hard on her tie so it became loose. He hungrily moved to her neck, kissing and biting hard as he almost ripped the buttons off her blouse. He forced it open revealing her corseted bra before pulling her forward off the wall and undoing the clasps, tossing the bra to the side. The sight of her tie hanging loose between her now bare, full breasts making him even more eager. Florence released him off her neck, pushing him back and undoing his robe, pushing it aside before beginning to work at his tie and buttons. Florence was not a quick as Sebastian and he let her go, taking over the job of unbuttoning his own shirt quickly. He leaned in to deeply kiss her again, pulling her into him by her lower back, their bare chests touching.

Florence simply couldn't wait anymore and reached down to undo his belt and button on his pants. She pulled them down as low as she could reach until he was exposed to her. He responded by lifting her skirt and bundling it in one hand, using the other to literally tear her underwear from her body.

Florence gasped at the sound of them ripping, with no other time to react as he hastily pushed her back against the cool wall, discarding her undergarments on the floor. She wrapped her legs around him for support as he cupped both hands under her ass.

"Ready...?" he breathily spoke into her ear, a bead of sweat dripping down his face.

"Yes." Florence said, almost forcing her hips onto him herself with eagerness

He softly pushed himself into her, the sensation causing Florence's back to arch with pleasure.

"Do what you want..." Florence breathed in his ear.

She heard Sebastian's breathy laugh as he picked up his pace and force, her back slamming into the concrete wall with each thrust.

"Oh, god..." Florence began to groan in his ear as he continued to bite down her neck... then her ear... then her shoulder.

The feeling of slight pain from her neck and the euphoric sensation happening below had Florence almost tipping over the edge. She felt her breathing begin to get faster, her vision becoming a blur.

"That's it. Good girl." He growled in her ear, smiling knowing he was about to cause her release.

"Fuck, Sebastian!" she yelled loudly, her body beginning to quiver, the sounds coming out of her unable to be controlled.

Watching her body quake from things he was doing to her had Sebastian almost on the brink of no return himself. Quickly remembering they had another class to attend, he removed the thoughts of flipping her over and taking her from behind and allowed himself to finish quickly, groaning loudly in her ear and squeezing her ass he was still supporting as he released all his pent up aggression into her, his pace slowing before he removed himself and placed Florence back on the ground, her legs almost buckling underneath her.

"Woah, you alright?" he said, supporting her to stand.

"Oh, I'm more than alright." She laughed.

They began to redress themselves and make themselves look presentable for class, Florence realising she no longer had any usable underwear and didn't have time to go back to the common room.

"So go without." Sebastian smirked. "As for these," he said, bending down to pick up her now ruined underwear. "I might just keep them as a little souvenir."

He tucked them into his robe pocket with that damned smirk of his and straightened his tie.

"Ready to go?" he said, hand on the door knob.

"Wait." Florence said. She undid the braid she had her hair in, letting her long, blonde locks fall down over her shoulders to cover the fresh marks he'd left on her neck. "Alright, now I'm ready."

Sebastian slowly and quietly opened the door, taking a step outside.

"Oh, shit..." he mumbled.

"What?" Florence said, peering over his shoulder.

She was greeted by the stunned faces of Garreth, Leander, Natty and Poppy all staring at them, Ominis standing next to them.

"Shit..." Florence mumbled.

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now