Chapter 19 - The Past

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Florence and Ominis sat in The Undercroft, both full of tears.

"We have to think of Anne, she's lost her parents, her uncle... we can't take away her brother too." Florence said, leaning back against the cool brick wall.

"I think you're right. I'll talk to Anne... thank you, Florence..." Ominis said, climbing off the floor and finding his way out of the Undercroft.

Florence sat in silence, her head in her knees. She sobbed silently for what felt like hours. She couldn't believe what had just happened, what she'd seen, how one of her closest friends had spiralled out of control and she felt like it was her fault for not stopping him.

She wasn't sure how long she had sat against the wall crying, but she heard the gate to the Undercroft open again. Through red, puffy eyes she looked up to see Sebastian. His hair was more dishevelled than usual and he was pacing back and forth. She wasn't sure if she should announce her presence or stay hidden but she didn't have to wonder long as he noticed her sitting in the corner.

"Oh. Florence, I didn't know you were here." He said, startled.

"Sorry. I can leave." Florence said, standing up and straightening her robes ready to walk away.

"No, please... stay. I... I need you." Sebastian asked.

She had never seen him so vulnerable. He always held himself so tall and everyone he met, he came across as confident and slightly cocky. It sure was Florence's first impression of him in her first ever Defence Against the Dark Arts class. But this Sebastian was different. He was hurt, he was exposed, he was broken.

He approached Florence and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into an embrace. She placed her arms around his shoulders and she felt his body relax as he buried his head into her neck. She felt the shakes of his silent sobs as the collar of her blouse became wet from his tears. She ran her fingers through his hair, stroking his head and rubbing his back.

"Come, sit down." She said, taking his hand and sitting him on the wall she had just been crying on herself.

They both sat together, his head against her shoulder as he continued to cry, Florence joining him and letting her tears flow again. They stayed there until the morning, sleeping through sobs on each others shoulders. Thankfully, it was the last day at Hogwarts until summer break with the House Cup being held today. Florence and Sebastian headed straight to the Great Hall, not bothering to even return to their respective common rooms or change their robes.

"I just wanted to say thank you for last night. You have no reason to want to be near me at all, I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave like the others. But, I really appreciate your friendship." Sebastian told her as they left the Undercroft, walking together through the Defence Against the Dark Arts tower.

As they entered the Great Hall, they split up, heading to the Slytherin and Ravenclaw tables. As Professor Black rambled on about something, Florence wasn't sure what about, she couldn't help but look at Sebastian who had sat by himself at the end of the table. He was picking at the splinters on the wooden table, his head in one hand being supported by his elbow.

"You alright? You look exhausted." commented Samantha Dale who'd so graciously slotted herself next to Florence.

"Hm?" Florence said, breaking her gaze from Sebastian to look at Samantha. "Oh, yeah. I'm good. Just didn't sleep much."

"I didn't see you in our dorm." Samantha said.

"Yeah, I was, uh. Studying." Florence lied.

"And without further ado, it gives me great pleasure to award the House Cup to.. uh... oh... yes, Ravenclaw!" Professor Black finally announced, stopping Samantha from prying anymore.

The whole Ravenclaw table got up to cheer, Amit pulling a deflated Florence up from the table who was more than happy to remain seated. She stood clapping, her tired cheers very much less enthused than her peers. She peered over at Sebastian who was softly clapping and threw her a very small smile when he caught her eye.

She barely slept that night, knowing she was heading back home to London tomorrow and she didn't know where Sebastian would be. In the morning, she chose to sit at the Slytherin table for her last breakfast as she had done on many mornings in the past, though it felt much less welcoming without Ominis. Sebastian and Florence ate their breakfast together in silence.

"So, you're going back home to London?" Sebastian said, breaking the dead quiet air, much to Florence's relief.

"Yeah, unfortunately. It's a bit boring there, I wish I could stay here." She replied "Where are you going?"

"Feldcroft, I guess. I have nowhere else to go." Sebastian said solemnly, his tired eyes littered with sadness.

They bid farewell to each other, giving each other a long hug. Sebastian headed home on his own and Florence headed into Hogsmeade station to catch the Hogwarts Express alone.

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