Chapter 47

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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit sexual content, reader discretion is advised


Sebastian met Gerard in the main area of the tent in the early hours of the morning.

"Good morning. Did Florence let you know the next steps?" Gerard asked.

"Yes. She did." Sebastian responded.

"What would you like to do?"

"I think I know... but... can I ask you a question?" Sebastian said.


"She's pregnant... is it really mine?"

"Yes. It's actually you who told me about it. Much to her dismay." Gerard laughed.

Sebastian paused for a moment, considering everything he'd been told last night. He still felt like it was a fever dream and that he'd wake up back in the comfort of his cottage in Marunweem, ready to start another days manual labour.

Sebastian exhaled deeply.

"Then I'll do it. Treat me." He agreed.


Gerard prepared the group to travel back to the Ministry via apparition. Leyton and Florence travelled together with Gerard and Sebastian right behind them. Florence felt the familiar nauseating feeling as she landed in a daze in an alleyway, a loud crack behind them letting her know the other two had landed safely. They walked around the corner, entering the Ministry lobby together.

"Florence, I think you should go home. Get some rest." Gerard told her.

She stood still, not wanting to move.

"You don't want to see this." Leyton whispered in her ear.

She nodded, agreeing with Leyton, tears welling in her eyes.

"If you'd like, I will come visit you later." She told Sebastian.

"I'd like that." He nodded.

Florence turned quickly and headed out, walking quickly to her apartment. It felt solemn entering alone again. She drew herself a warm bath and laid inside, washing her long locks after the few days she'd been gone. She tried her best to relax and not think about what was happening inside the Ministry right now.


Gerard led Sebastian down a hall, towards the Obliviators office. He wasn't familiar with this section of the Ministry anymore. Gerard left him in front of a desk while he went and grabbed paperwork, a file with his name on it.

"Alright, this way." Gerard said.

Sebastian followed him until they reached a dead-end hallway littered with doors.

"This room will be yours while you're here." Gerard said, waving him into one of them.

Sebastian entered and Gerard shut the door behind him.

"I'll be back in a moment and we can start."

Sebastian took in the room around him, there was a soft single bed, a small table and a lounge chair. It felt like a high class prison, at least better than Azbakan he told him himself. Gerard returned after a few moments, taking Sebastian down to another room. This one was a bit darker, the floor was stone and there stood a single chair in the room.

"Please. Sit down." Gerard ushered him. Sebastian obeyed, still not saying a word.

"Now, this is not going to be pleasant, I apologise deeply in advance. But, this is our only hope at restoring the memories you once had. So, if you're ready, we will begin."

A Change of Heart // Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now