Moving in!

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(BEEP BEEP BEEP) . .You opened your eyes slowly and stared at your alarm clock. 6 AM. You sighed and rubbed your eyes before sitting up in your bed.

Today was the day you moved out of your parent's house. You were turning twenty-four and it was about that time you moved out. You were moving into a nice home in your hometown, Florida! Although it was about an hour away from your parent's house, you were just glad you were getting out.

You got out of bed finally and walked over to your closet and picked an outfit for the big day. You took a quick shower, brushed your teeth, and did your hair before going downstairs to greet your mom and dad.

"Morning mom, and dad!" You said smiling. "Good morning, someone must be excited for her big day." Your mom said, making you even more excited. Your dad looked up from the newspaper and smiled at you as a good morning.

You walked over to the kitchen and sat down, "What's for breakfast?" You asked while your mom was cooking over the stove. "Well. For the big day, I thought I would make everyone's favorite! Pancakes, eggs, and bacon. You licked your lips as she set down the steaming plate of food.

"Thanks, mom!" You said practically inhaling the food. "You're welcome, my dear."

After a few minutes of eating, you got up and grabbed your car keys. "Are you guys ready?" You asked your parents.

"Yes dear one second, it's on (street address) right?" You nodded, "Okay, go ahead and go, we'll meet you there." You hugged your mom, and dad and left.

(Little time skip)

You finally arrived at your new house, your brother was there unloading things already. "Hey, Jay! What're you doing here so early? You were supposed to wait on us?" Your brother rubbed his hands together unloading the last thing, "Y/N, I come early to everything. And I wanted to leave early." You rolled your eyes and shot him a dirty look while he smirked.

After fifteen minutes of waiting with your annoying brother your parents arrived. "Hey, mom, and dad." Your mother waved and walked over to your brother hugging him, "Have you two gotten along?" You clenched your teeth as your brother opened his mouth, "Yep! We've got along GREAT! Right Y/N?" You sighed. "Right. ."

(ANOTHER time skip)

After a few hours of unpacking with your family, it was around 8 PM. You hugged your parents goodbye, and your brother too. (Surprisingly) They all left and you sat down on your couch. Now that they were gone the house was silent. Usually, you'd be distracted by the sound of the TV, or your dad loudly flipping the newspaper.

You sighed and walked over to the kitchen hoping your mom stocked you with some food. Surprise surprise! She didn't. You clenched your teeth once again and slipped on your shoes. "Might as well walk.." You grabbed your phone, taser, and house keys closing the door behind you.

You yawned walking down the street to the corner store for a snack. You heard something behind you but ignored it. You clenched your taser harder and quickly turned into the store parking lot.

You tried to get a look behind you but couldn't see much. You just kept walking with your taser close by your side without letting go one bit.

Finally, after what felt like forever you made it into the store. You grabbed a basket and went into shopping mode, after years of watching your mom grocery shop you were practically an expert at it.

You got what your mom usually would with the money you had left over. After shopping, you paid for your groceries and left. The whole walk home you practically looked at the ground before feeling yourself collide with something, or someone.

You froze for a moment before looking up. It was a man. He didn't look threatening at all. Maybe 5'11. . You were only 5'0, so he really did tower over you quite a lot.

"Are you okay?" You heard a strong, but soft voice ask. "Oh, oh, I'm so sorry I.. I didn't mean to bump into you, I wasn't paying attention!" God damn it Y/N! You're stumbling over your words!! You thought to yourself.

"Woah... Calm down, it's fine really." You picked up your phone, keys, and taser. You took a long stare at him before breaking eye contact. "Once again sorry... I'm just gonna go home, nice meeting you?" You said looking over to a tree as if it was interesting. "Mhm." You heard him say as he excused himself down the street.

What was that you thought to yourself...

(774 words!♥)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now