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You woke up in Albert's chest with his arm around you. It was obvious he was still asleep and you didn't know what to do. "Albert..." You whispered. Still asleep. "Albert." You said a little louder. STILL ASLEEP. At this point, you were about to snap. "Albert Aretz get your ass up." He woke up and looked over at you no longer on his chest. "Oh, my bad." He said sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?" You shrugged, you didn't really care either that was probably the best sleep you'd ever experienced.

Albert got up and grabbed his phone checking the time. "It's only 9:00? I could've sworn we would've slept later than that matter of fact we stayed up." He said looking over at you. You Got up as well and welcomed yourself to his closet grabbing a shirt. "I'm taking your shower go use the other bathroom." Before he could respond you shut the bathroom door and started the shower.


You finished getting dressed and walked downstairs to see Albert wasn't there. You walked over to the garage door and heard rustling. You opened it and saw him skateboarding. Without a shirt. "Do you always just flash the neighbors your entire body or is this just a new thing I got to witness since I moved in." He rolled his eyes dramatically. "Yes I do, and no one seems to care." "Yea cause you have muscles..." You mumbled under your breath.

"What was that? Oh because I'm so hot? I'm flattered!!" You rolled your eyes, "Oh cut it out, Albert." He shrugged. "My fans would beg to differ." That reminded you, you haven't posted. "Oh, Albert I might head home soon I gotta post eventually." He jumped off the skateboard. "Just use my computer." You shrugged. "Sure."


You turned on the camera and started recording. "Hi, guys! So as you can see my setup is different again. And it may also look familiar to some! And that's because this is Flamingo's setup room!" You did a clap. "Oh, we're also gonna be using his Roblox account but he doesn't know that."


You finished recording and sent the video to your editor to edit and post for you. You heard a knock on the door. "You done?" "OH, YEA." You yelled. Albert walked in and threw his skateboard on the beanbag. "Oh, by the way, Albert, I gotta stream today as well..." You said giving an awkward smile. "Okay, well they'll live if I'm in it." You rolled your eyes and opened Twitch and started a stream. For a good 15 minutes, you sat on your phone till you got about 150k people in the stream. "Everyone's attention is just on you Albert, get a shirt on dude." You said turning the chair." He scoffed. "Who wouldn't set all their attention on me?" You rolled your eyes and threw something at him.

Before your viewer's eyes, a fight broke out between the two of you. "BITCH, IT'S MY STREAM." He scoffed. "THEY WANT ME!" You shoved him feeling his chest. Good god. "GET A SHIRT ON NOW." You yelled giggling a little. "MY HOUSE, MY RIGHTS!" You rolled your eyes, "OH OKAY SURE." With that, you grabbed a water bottle off his desk and threw it at him, "ALWAYS MAKING A GUEST WELCOME!" Before he could defend himself someone sent a little voice mail thing in the live, ???: Albert and Y/N. I love y'all but fighting like a married couple on stream is an extra level of love-" You yelled to block out the last word.

"I'm not attracted to Albert like you monsters." Even though you said that the chat still continued to fill with ship names. "I'M SHUTTING OFF THE LIVE." You said giggling as you waved goodbye and shut it off.

That was probably the best live ever.

(Short chapter because I got school.😘 656 WORDS!!!!!!♥♥♥)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now