Double date?!

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It had been a week since you and Albert started dating, obviously, the two of you took things slow and hadn't announced it to your fans yet. Albert didn't wanna risk it at first due to the number of fan girls he had but you kept trying to reassure him you could handle the hate.

"Albert, trust me I can handle it." He let out a sigh, "But what if they get serious with it? I mean seriously they can do horrible things." You hug him a little, "The sooner we get it out the less we gotta worry. Don't think of only dreadful things out of this. We're both happy together, and if they're real fans they'll be happy for you too." You kissed him on the lips and got up to use the restroom.

You looked in the mirror and lifted your shirt to itch your side, to your surprise there was a huge scratch on your side. "Probably Albert kicking me off the bed..." You whispered. You finished up and walked out, you got quiet when you realized Albert was filming. You winked at him and walked away without getting in camera focus.

You went into the kitchen and decided to call your best friend. "Hey, what's up?" You smiled. "Wanna go out tonight? I got a new dress, and I'm eager to finally try it." You could tell she was smirking when she spoke. "Sure! But my boyfriend will more likely have to come. Promised to spend the week with him, how about you bring Albert along as well?" "Sure, he's filming right now but when he's done I can ask." "Sounds good- Oh? Coming babe! Gotta go, me and Jake are gonna go get some food, bye!" "Bye!" You hung up the phone and heard Albert coming downstairs.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go out with my friend tonight and her boyfriend coming and she wants to know if you'd like to come too?" Albert looked over, "Oh, yea sure." You smiled, "Good, also did you tell them the news?" He looked away, "Albert, you gotta tell your fans eventually." He sighed. "I just don't want you to get your feelings hurt." You giggled a little, "I may be emotional but 13-year-old girls on the internet aren't gonna get the best of me." You patted him on the back as he shrugged.


You were changing in Albert's room while he sat on his phone, you only changed in front of him matter of fact he's seen you naked but that's beside the point, you also felt safe and comfortable near him. You got the dress on as it hugged your waist showing your hourglass figure. You smiled as you looked in the mirror. "Albert." He looked over and blushed a little, he smiled and gave you a thumbs-up. You blushed a little and went into the bathroom. This gave you a full glance at the dress.

You gushed at yourself

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You gushed at yourself.


You and Albert arrived and you ran to your best friend hugging her, Albert and her boyfriend shook hands and smiled firmly. Were they uncomfortable? Your best friend and her boyfriend walked in front leaving you and Albert in the back. "Babe, if you get uncomfortable we can go." You grabbed his arm as he looked down, "Don't worry, I'm fine." It was obvious he wasn't, he just didn't wanna ruin your night.

You sighed and walked over to the table your best friend sat at with her boyfriend. You all ordered your food and drinks and ate while talking. You were practically pushed to the wall because your best friend took some space up. You squinted as the waitress walked over. She had tied her apron tightly around her waist to show her hips. You saw her slip a paper under Albert's plate. He tilted his head giving it to you.

"Here's my number cutie, call me. (insert random number) :)" You clenched your teeth and scribbled on the back, "He'd call you if he wasn't taken. :)" You passed him the note to hand to her. She read it and eyed you. She growled under her breath and walked away to get the desserts. You felt satisfied that you dealt with it. She came back with drinks and "accidentally" spilled yours all over your dress. You had it. "Hey, can we talk?" You smiled at her. She nodded and sat as you scooted closer. You grabbed her hair and whispered in her ear, "Do that shit again, and after your shift, we're going at it." Her eyes opened wide and she nodded. You waved bye at her as she got you guys another waiter.

The group stared at you confused, "What'd you say?" Albert piped up, "Oh nothing, just some nice things." You ate the rest of your cook as the new waiter came up with the bill. You reached for your wallet and it wasn't there. "I forgot my wallet." You whispered to Albert. He kissed your head and pulled out his and paid. "Albert, what the fuck! You weren't supposed to pay." You said nudging him and laughing a little. He grabbed your waist pulling you closer. "It's fine." He whispered in your ear, chills went down your back and you got insane butterflies.


It was time to go and you kissed your best friend goodbye and got in Albert's car. "You have fun cutie?" He asked looking at the road driving. You blushed at the name he called you, "Oh, uh, uhm yea!" He chuckled a little, "Flustered?" You nudge him and let out a low giggle. "Tonight was fun." You said smiling at him as he smiled back. "It was babe." You two kissed and it felt wonderful.

He was just perfect.

(THANK YOU FOR THE READS!!! Sadly the story is gonna come to an end soon because I gotta start another one eventually! 1012 words!♥♥ Give me some suggestions on what to do next!)

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