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You woke up breathing heavily putting your hand on your chest trying to breathe. You were sweating, you looked over and saw Albert fast asleep. You took a deep breath, stood up, and went to the kitchen to get water.

You hadn't had nightmares like that since you were 12. You checked the time. The clock read 2:30 AM. "God damn it..." You sighed and looked over at the car keys on the counter. There your car keys lay. A late-night drive couldn't hurt. You grabbed your phone, taser, and keys like old days before Albert came into the picture.

You slowly went outside to your house, opened the garage door, and got inside your car. You turned it on, and the lights in his bedroom remained off as you pulled out, he didn't know. It was going perfectly. You went down the street to the gas station to grab a quick snack. You pulled in and went inside. "Hey sweetie, what're you doing out so late?" A sweet old man asked. He didn't seem harmful. You smiled, "I had a bad nightmare, at my grown age I know embarrassing so I decided a late-night drive and a snack might help." He chuckled, "When I was young, 12, or 25 I had horrible nightmares it isn't embarrassing, it's uncontrollable." He patted your back going back to the register.

You smiled. He reminded you of your older, older brother Chase. Chase had moved to LA though, he barely contacts the family ever since he got with some rich chick... But before that, he was as sweet as ever. Money changed him, a lot. You frowned grabbing a snack and cashing out going back to your car.


You drove around until Albert called, it was about 3:50 now. "Hey babe, what's up?-" "Where are you!?" He said panicked. "Woah, calm down I'm fine." You said giggling a little, you could hear a sigh of relief. "But seriously, where are you?" "I'm on my way home, I'll be there in 5 babe." You hung up and continued driving until you reach his house.

You pulled into the driveway stopped the car and saw Albert standing at the front door, shit. His hair was messy, (in a hot way...) his arms were crossed, and his eyes were heavy. You gulped and got out of the car awkwardly smiling. You walked over eyeing his arms, too focused on his arms you barely realized he wrapped his hand around your waist pulling you inside. His grip on your waist was hard as if he was mad.

"Why'd you leave like that? I was worried sick!" "Albert, it was just a late-night drive, I was fine." You said scoffing and rolling your eyes at the same time. His grip got harder daring you to do it again, so you didn't dare yourself.

"Come on, we're going back to bed." You scoffed, "What are you, my mom?-" "BED." "Yes sir." You walked past him doing the walk of shame you did as a teenager whenever you'd sneak out and get caught. You were always a bad kid, but you straightened up when you turned 17. Girl's camp really does things to you.

You took off your shoes and jacket plopping down on the bed as Albert slipped his tank top off getting in bed as well. "Sorry for sneaking out..." You said awkwardly smiling. "Mhm." He said wrapping his arm around you. You felt yourself go red, good thing it was dark in the room.


You woke up to Albert screaming in his "office" while filming. You sighed and covered your ears with pillows. You tried desperately to go back to bed but he kept SCREAMING. You sighed and got up walking to the "office". You knocked and opened the door barely being visible on the camera. He slowly turned, "What loser." He said jokingly, you gave him a quiet down stare and he nodded. You walked out and heard him say something, but it was unclear.

You walked downstairs and saw a photo of when you and Albert had first become friends, you couldn't tell if you missed it that way, it was more exciting and full of life when you two were just best friends. You two did more stuff than you did now. You frowned a little. Maybe it was time to light it up as you and Albert use to. Not with just a kiss, why not get drunk with him, start a fire, slap box, and fight one another like when you two were best friends. You smirked.

This relationship wasn't just gonna be boring.


Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now