Back on track.

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(BEEP BEEP BEE-) You slammed your hand down on your alarm clock as it beeped in your ear. You looked over at it, 6 A.M. You decided today you'd try to get your sleep schedule straight, it'd been messed up for quite some time and it was about time you did something about it. Albert was at his house for once and not hogging your bed. You sighed and sat up stretching as you did so. You grabbed your phone and said good morning to Albert, and your friends. You finished texting Layla and put your phone back on the charger and walked over to your dresser pulling out some fresh clothes for your shower.

You grabbed a simple pair of (anything you want) and walked into the bathroom setting the shower water to steaming hot. You felt like it, what could you say? You stripped and go into the shower. It felt... Amazing? You couldn't even feel your skin anymore. You finished up your shower and clipped your hair up like always, you'd been hoping to try a new hairstyle but today wasn't the day. You finished getting dressed and walked over to your vanity turning the lights on. You squinted your eyes as you grabbed your makeup from the drawers and applied it. By the time you finished it was 6:55 A.M. "I should probably drop down by the grocery store since Albert ate almost everything..." You turned the lights off after doing one last check of yourself before grabbing your car keys, taser, and phone.

You grabbed a hoodie Albert gave you put it on and walked downstairs to the kitchen. You grabbed the last water bottle and walked over to the door that led to the garage. You went into the garage and started your car. The sun was starting to rise, it was beautiful. You snapped a quick photo of the sky before getting in your car and driving to the store.


You walked through various aisles trying to find what Albert asked you to get him. You were about to enter a different aisle before running into someone and hearing a painful grunt. You looked down to see Josh on the floor. "Oh, shit sorry!- Oh, hey Josh! Why isn't Layla with you?" You held your hand out for him and he took it standing up. "Yea... She's sort of at home in bed sick, she got infected by my illness." You backed up a bit not risking yourself. "Oh, well. Let her know I hope she feels better! I gotta get going." He nodded and walked past you.

You continued down the aisle finally finding what Albert was asking for. "Finally! Oh. I mean finally..." You waved to the little boy staring at you after you yelled. He smiled at you and pointed and began talking to his mother. "What a cutie..." You said smiling, it reminded you of your younger self. You smiled softly before getting back on track. You cashed out and drove home quickly.


You got home fine and unloaded the groceries before your phone began ringing, it was Albert. You picked up quickly putting the phone to your ear holding it up with your shoulder while putting the rest of the groceries away. "Hey babe! What's up?" You said humming a bit. "Nothing, just wanted to see what you were doing because I saw you leave." You finished putting the last cereal box up and held your phone in your hand now. "Oh yea, I headed to the store, I was running low." "Oh, alright. I gotta film, see ya later pretty girl." You smiled at the name, "See ya babe!"

You stretched a bit before taking your shoes, and jacket off and setting them at the front door. You checked the time, 8:25 A.M. "A run couldn't hurt my schedule." You had an important meeting with a certain ex of yours to get your belongings back. You ran upstairs and changed into a tank top and black shorts. You put your hair in a ponytail and grabbed a purse Albert got you. You put on your air forces and went outside and started jogging down the street.


You had finished your jog an hour ago and were talking to your ex about when you'd come to pick up your stuff. You obviously didn't want Albert to know you still had contact with an ex, but you needed your stuff. "Is 5:30 P.M. alright Y/n? Me and my girlfriend have plans and I gotta leave at 6." "Yea, that's fine. I'll be coming alone because my boyfriend is busy." You hated to lie to someone, but it was necessary enough. "Right, see you then." "Mhm." You hung up the phone until you heard a knock on the door. It was Albert. You opened up the door and hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Hey!" You said inviting him inside.

He hugged you back returned your kiss smiling and walked in. "What's up, Albert?" You said plopping back down on the couch. He plopped down next to you as you scooted closer to him. "Nothing just wanted to see you pretty girl." You looked down hiding your blush and then remembered to mention it. "Hey baby, I'm gonna be uh, going to Laylas at 5:30 to grab some stuff alone, is that alright?" He hugged you a little harder. "Yea, sure do whatever." You smiled. "Are you ever gonna teach me how to do that dumb skateboard trick?" You said looking up. He rolled his eyes jokingly.

"First of all, it isn't DUMB. And yes, I will." He said nudging you playfully. You giggled a little bit. "Yea, yea." You sat up and went to get water and he followed behind like a lost puppy. "Want one?" You said pointing to the water bottles. He pointed to the chocolate milk. "Aren't you lactose sensitive?" You said smirking a little bit. "Yea, so what?" He said grabbing it and chugging the rest. "Your troubles not mine..." You said throwing the chug away. He rolled his eyes as you grabbed some stuff. "What're you doing?" He said watching you. "Making cookies." He smiled, "Can I help?" You nodded signing him to come next to you. He walked over grabbing your waist making you gasp quietly by surprise. "So, what do we do." He said looking at everything put out. "Just do what I say." You said giving him a whisk. This is gonna be fun.


You two finished making the batter and popped the cookies in the oven, Albert had the batter in his hair, on his face, and all over his shirt. "I'll wash it for you, take it off, and toss it over." You said already in the laundry room. He took his shirt off and chucked it at you as you caught it putting it in the washer. You started the washer and checked the time, "4:55... Hey babe! I gotta get ready to leave it's a pretty far drive. Take the cookies out in exactly 30 minutes. I'll set a timer on the oven for you." You set the timer and put your shoes on kissing him before you left and got in your car driving off.

TIME SKIP (Uh oh.)

You pulled into your Ex's driveway and sighed texting him that you were here. You heard rustling at the front door as your ex opened it, the faint scent of weed, and alcohol was disgusting as it radiated off him. He handed you a bag of stuff, some of it wasn't even yours. "Hey, Evan, this isn't mine." You said handing back a shirt of his. He rolled his eyes and took it from you harshly, "Yea, yea whatever just go Y/n my girlfriend is coming." You rolled your eyes slamming his door and getting back in your car as another pulled in. It was VANESSA?!

You gasped as she got out of the car and looked at you eyes widened. "What're you doing here..." She said glaring walking over to you. "He's my ex and had my stuff so I came to collect it. I don't want your little abusive, drug addict Vanessa." She grunted and stormed off into the house. You saw through the window that they almost immediately started stripping and making out. "Gross..." You said backing out of the driveway.


You got home and set the bag of stuff down and saw Albert on the couch crashed out with a plate of almost gone cookies next to him. "God he must've enjoyed those..." You said hanging your purse and coat up. You took your shoes off and stretched checking the time. God you were gone awhile. It was now 8:30 P.M. You sighed waking Albert up and sending him to your bed so you two could sleep together.

You both got in bed as you set your alarm and snuggled in with Albert, he was oddly warm. You shrugged it off being grateful you were even with him.

It was heaven SENT.

(Hey! I'm getting longer chapters again, woohoo!!!! This chapter was really mainly focused on "self-care" I guess, since in this story I haven't really done that for y'all. ANYWAY, 1,536 WORDS!!!!♥♥💕💕)

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