Drunk fun?!

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You woke up early, about 5 A.M. Surprisingly Albert wasn't up making a video. He was asleep on the couch with the TV on full blast. "Good god how loud does it need to be..." You whispered to yourself running back upstairs. You grabbed your booklet with plans for today, but you could only choose one. "Let's see, get drunk, start a fire, slap box, fight, prank call. I can't believe we use to get away with this stuff..." You said practically widening your eyes at the list of things you used to do besides getting drunk. Albert never really got drunk with you since he was usually your ride home, and if he got drunk you'd be stuck.

You sighed and called your friend, she's the pro of making anything fun. Maybe she'd know.

"HEY Y/N!!! How's my best girl doing?" She said in a happy tone.

"Hey, Layla! Are you, and your boyfriend busy today? I wanna do something fun with the four of us, you know. Me, you, Josh, and Albert." She gasped. "Alright, let me calm down. I'm gonna swing by and we can discuss this over coffee! SEE YOU SOON!!" And with that, she hung up. You sighed, god she was always energetic. You knew she had ADHD, you did too. But she was a different story...

You stretched and checked the time, it was only 5:30 and she'd more likely get here around 5:50. Giving you a good 20 minutes to get ready. You grabbed one of Albert's shirts, a pair of shorts underwear, and a bra and went into the bathroom to start the shower. You quickly freshened up clipping your hair and getting dressed. The outfit was cute, you felt beautiful as hell. You got your socks, and shoes on and headed downstairs to see Albert sitting up on the couch tired as fuck.

"Oh hey baby, what're you doing up?" You said walking over to your obviously tired boyfriend. "Hm?" He said in a sleepy voice rubbing his eyes. You blushed a bit at his morning voice, good god. "Well, I'm gonna head out with Layla. I think she's pulling in now. Go back to bed, your beds all yours now Albert." You kissed him on the forehead and went outside to Layla's car. The sun was barely risen so it was a little dark.


You and Layla were sitting on the bench at the park, it was now 6:30 A.M. and you two planned everything out and you made sure to write it down. "Well... Josh isn't to fond of getting drunk, like Albert. So we gotta find a way to convince them that's our issue." You gasp. "Oh god, I forgot about that issue! How about we just buy drinks and drink at my house?" She'd giggle, "Y/N, the moment me and you get drunk your house is done for." "Well I can't do it at Alberts, that'd just be rude to plan stuff at his without warning. So mine it is." "Whatever you say..."

You'd nudge her as you two walked back over to her car to pick up Josh. Obviously, you guys weren't gonna just start getting drunk at 6 A.M., but you did have to pick up the drinks that way they were nice and cold for when the time came.


"Okay, so we got our drinks. Now we just gotta set my house up. Alberts up right now he texted me, so Josh we're gonna drop you off at his house, alright?" He nodded and rubbed his eyes. He and Albert weren't filled in on what you two planned he thought you were just refilling on drinks since you're the type of person to drink vodka at 11 A.M. but that didn't matter.

You two dropped him off at Alberts as Albert let him inside and they sat on the couch talking. You two pulled into your driveway and ran inside squealing. "Alright, let's get cleaning."


You two finished and it was around 5 P.M., god you knew no one else whose house was messier. Besides Albert. You two decided to make some treats. You decided on cookies, cupcakes, Josh's, and Albert's favorite foods too. You two wrapped cooking up at about 7:30 P.M., you pulled out your phone and texted Albert.

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now