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You gulped as you were nervous. No one could just admit they easily liked someone right before them. You stared at Albert as he and your best friend chanted to admit it. "Okay, come with me to the other room now." You pointed to your best friend as she winked at Albert and whispered something to him, "She's gonna admit it."

You both walked into the other room and shut the door and locked it, you sighed before talking. "Okay, I wanna get something straight. I do like him-" She interrupted you with a squeal. "EEEK! I'm so happy for you, it's been 3 years since you had a happy relationship! He's gonna be great." You sighed again, "Slow down. I can't just admit that to him... I need someone else too. That's where you come in." She gasped, "Oh my god, am I... GONNE HELP YOU CONFESS?" You slammed your hand over her mouth shushing her. "He's in the other room! But yes you are!" You silently whispered.

Her eyes sparkled brightly in excitement. "How are we gonna do this?" She asked raising a brow. You sighed, "Well. I'm gonna make an excuse to leave. And you, dump the tea onto him." She was confused, "Why would I dump tea on him?" You scoffed, "No not real tea! Tell him everything I've said about him and that I like him!" She gasped, "OH. Okay!"

You both walked out, "I gotta run to the store, you two behave don't break anything." And with that, you walked out.


I was so EXCITED to tell Albert my friend admired him. I sat beside him and sighed, "I got some news buddy." He looked over slowly. A smirk appeared. He knew. "What is it?" He said leaning back and crossing his arms, god he was buff. No wonder this girl wanted him, but I had no interest in him what so ever. "So... She told me she liked you! If you don't believe I've got some proof." I pulled out my phone showing Albert all the juicy texts she sent me about him. His smirk got bigger and bigger. "So big guy, you like her too?" I nudge him a bit feeling his big arms, and he smiled. "Mhm," I yelled in excitement.

"Albert, this girl is FRAGILE. Be gentle, don't yell at her-" He stopped me. "I know. Y/N has a lot of emotion that she carries." I sigh in relief. "Good."


A good 30 minutes passed and you decided it was time to go home. You actually had gone shopping and called the two of them down to help unload the car as if they were your kids. You stopped your best friend. "How'd it go?" She smiled. You felt yourself smile, "So, it's a yes?" She nodded and shushed you as he walked back inside the garage.

You guys finished unloading the groceries as you all put them away. Albert kept getting awfully close to you, touching your waist "on accident" even though he held it. It was obvious your friend didn't lie that he liked you. It filled you with joy and excitement.


Your best friend was getting ready for her boyfriend's house and you gave her hugs and a goodbye kiss on her cheeks as she did the same. You shut the door with one last goodbye and turned to see Albert, arms crossed and towering over you.

"Oh, oh, uh hey Albert." He got closer. You gulped hard. "Need, need something?" He looked at your lips then at you. Your heart was quick, not slowing down. He grabbed your waist pulling you in and kissing you. This time it lasted longer and you got butterflies everywhere. He pulled away. "She told me, and showed me everything." You went redder by the minute, "Did, did she? Haha..."

"Yea, she did." He smirked. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" You didn't stop to answer. "Fuck yes, Albert." You two kissed and you shut your eyes.

This was gonna be amazing.

(OKAY, WOW THANK YOU FOR THE READS. This story has honestly been so fun to write and y'all are such good supporters. I love y'all too much. Also! When this story comes to an end I'll need someone else to write about! Fictional or real! So please, drop suggestions for the next one. 722 WORDS!♥)

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