Spending the day together sort of?

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(BEEP BEEP BE-) Albert slammed his fist down on the alarm and broke it, of course. You groaned and rubbed your eyes sitting up as Albert hogged the covers and rolled over to face the wall. "Fine be that way, don't come with me." You got up grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the bathroom to start the water. You got in the shower and heard the bathroom door open. Luckily the curtain was shut. "Albert, what're you doing?" "Using the bathroom like a normal person." You grunted and continued your shower until you heard the toilet flush. You heard some giggles as he walked out quickly. "ALBERT GOD DAMN IT."

You got out of the shower quickly and wrapped yourself in a towel stomping out angrily. "WHAT THE FUCK." He was giggling like a child in the sheets. "Sorryyyy." He said laughing harder. "Yea, sorry my ass." You dried off and put on your clothes and went over to your vanity flicking the lights on and doing your makeup quickly. You finished up turning the lights off and standing up to see Albert trying on... Crop tops? "What're you doing?..." You say as he flexed in your crop top. "Looking cuter than you." You shook your head like a disappointed mother. (Something he'll never witness, or have.) You walked past him as he struggled to get it off laughing. "Good luck." You heard a tear and looked back around to see it ripped in half on the floor.

"Albert." "Sorry." He walked up to you squeezing you. "YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME." He didn't say anything and continued hugging you and let go after some time. "God dude, where'd you get so ripped." He giggled a little bit and continued following behind you. You went into the kitchen and made a fruit salad. You asked if he wanted one too but he simply shook his head. He instead had lucky charms. You didn't expect less from him.

"Come on babe, eat something else. Those aren't gonna fill you up." He looked up. "You wanna bet?" You shook your head once again laughing to yourself. He walked over. "What's so funny?" He said nudging you playfully grabbing your waist and making you jump, it was never expected when he did that. "What? Did I scare you?" He said grinning ear to ear. "Oh shut up." You said finishing your food and throwing the bowl in the sink.

Albert continued following you around as you cleaned the house. "You gonna help, or just watch me?" "Watch you." You clicked your tongue. "Very much expected answer." You mumbled. "Oh, what was that?" You rolled your eyes and plopped down on the couch taking a break.

He sat down next to you grabbing you by the waist pulling you close to him and kissing you all over. You both laughed as you jokingly shoved him away. He watched TikTok with you, pretty embarrassing with all edits of him showing up on your for you page. "Someones a fan..." "Oh, SHUT UP." You said groaning and covering your face.

"What, someone embarrassed? Hmmm?" You slapped him playfully as he giggled. "Wanna go somewhere, babe?" He thought for a minute. "Target run?" You smiled widely. "YES." You both got up and put your shoes on as he grabbed his car keys following you outside to his garage.


You pulled into Target. It was only 7:30 A.M. so you didn't know if they were open. "If they aren't open we'll go to Walmart or something." You said walking in front of him, the parking lot had other cars so maybe it was. You two walked up together as the doors slid open. You walked him around isles and isles, make-up isles, food isles, plushy isles, clothes isles. "Are these shorts cute?" You said pointing to a cute pair. "Mhm..." He said exhausted. "Be honest." "I am." You rolled your eyes and shoved the shorts in the cart with all the other million things. You two walked around some more before cashing out and going back home. Albert was tired even though you two went to bed pretty early. "Can we just call it a day..." He said yawning. "But we just barely got up!" You said with puppy eyes. "I know pretty girl, but I'm exhausted." You sighed and followed him up the stairs and back into bed. You two cuddled together falling asleep. What a short day.

(743 WORDS!!! LOVE Y'ALL.♥♥💕💕)

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