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You woke up to your phone buzzing and going off. You let out a groan and sat up rubbing your eyes. You looked over at your phone which was still going off and saw notifications from TikTok. You grabbed your phone and unlocked it going to TikTok. "99+ notifications?" That was unusual.

You clicked it and saw multiple people tagging you in edits of Albert, people making ship names, and edits of you and Albert together. You felt your face redden as you saw Albert comment on the video you liked,


Flamingowastaking: Lol she liked it.




???: (any shipname u want) REAL?

???: yk u like her


You let out a tense sigh and got up to shower.


You got out of the shower and ran into something, or someone. You clenched your fist and looked up to see Albert. "How the fuck did you get in?!" You said confused. "A spare key dumbass." You let out a sigh of relief. "Well, I'm trying to change excuse yourself from my room MRFLIMFLAM." He rolled his eyes in exchange and walked out. You put on a tight long sleeve and some low-rise jeans with Converse. "YOU CAN COME BACK IN!" You yelled going over to your vanity. You did your makeup and topped it off with lipgloss.

Albert stood behind you barely fitting in the mirror of the vanity. "So, what'd you need?" You said standing up and turning around to face him. "Don't act like you didn't like that video." He said giggling. You felt your face grow red. "Oh shut up I only liked it 'cause I was in it too." He smirked, "So you're sure you didn't like it because I had no shirt on?"

You punched him in the arm, "Well, I gotta go. I promised my friend I'd get drinks with her." Albert nodded and walked downstairs with you. You both went outside and he walked over to his house and you took off.


It was 2:50 AM and you finished drinking with your friend. You were drunk as shit and called Albert. There was giggling from your friend and more from you. "What?" You heard him say, "Heyyyy flimflam can you come and pick me up..." You said almost falling over earning laughs from your friend. "Are you drunk?" He asked, "NAHHHH, just.... Pick me up." He hung up the phone and you attempted to text him ur location. You and your friend drank more before seeing Albert pull up.

"I gotta go, flimflam is here." You and your friend poorly hugged and you walked over to the car sitting down in the passenger seat. "HEYYY FLIMFLAM." You yelled. "Keep your voice down Y/N." He said sighing like a busy mother. "You're taking me home?!" You asked. "Yes."


Albert walked you into your house and sat you in your bed. "I gotta shower." You said standing up and trying to take your shoes off. Albert pushed you back down and took your shoes off for you. "I think you'll be fine for one night." He said standing up and walking off. You gripped his shirt. "I gotta shower..." You said to use him as a balance. "You're drunk, I doubt you remember the ABCs." You looked around.

"If I can't do it, can you FLIMFLAM." He sighed, "No I can't." You pointed to the bathroom, "Help me please I wanna shower." You said tearing up, you forgot how sensitive, and emotional you were when you got drunk. And right now was not the time for it. Albert sat you down and walked into the bathroom setting the water and filling the bath.

You walked in with only your bra, and underwear. Albert's face was the face of a disappointed mother as he helped you get the rest off and put you in the bath. "Mom." You said as he scrubbed your hair. "I'm not your mom." He said sighing already tired of this. "Mom." "Once again, I am a male, not your mother." He said rinsing your hair. "Oh." You said.


Albert set you down in bed and gave you a hug good night and left to go home. "THANK YOU MOMMMM." You said as he walked away. "You're welcome." You heard a faint voice say as you fell asleep.


Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now