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You walked inside Albert's house awkwardly. "Uh Albert, how are we gonna do this? I have no pajamas, toothbrush, or hairbrush." He shrugged. "You can wear my clothes to bed. But about the other two, you can always run to the store real quick." He said tossing you his keys. "Oh, no, no I am not driving your car." You said tossing them back, "Mmmm... Yea you are." He said grabbing your wrist and slamming the keys down in your hand shutting it.

You felt your face turn red and you looked away, "It's not like you asked to drive it, I insisted on it." He said, you could feel his eyes pierce through you like the first time you met. "Right, of course, I'll drive your car." You said accepting defeat. "Great! When you get back I'll be recording a video, or I can wait and we can film together." He said giving you that warm smile. "Oh sure, we can film together." He smiled again and walked upstairs. You gulped.

How were you gonna drive his car, what if you crash, scratch it, HIT SOMEONE?! You sighed and walked to his garage unlocking it. You sat down, buckled up, and started the car. You backed out of the driveway and pulled out to the street.


You made it to the store safely and felt watched by men. You just wanted to grab what you needed and get going. You fast-walked into the aisles grabbing what you needed, and snacks too. You walked over to the cash register and no one was there. You scoffed and pulled a $25 out putting it on the counter hoping it was enough.

You sweat loads as you walked in the dark to his car. You threw everything in the passenger seat, buckled up, and started the car again. You were in a hurry not to be followed like the last time you went to a store alone at night in Florida. But, unfortunately, you were followed. You knew it wasn't good to text and drive so you called Albert hoping he'd pick up. "Hey what's up!-" "Albert, wait outside your house." You said sweating and making quick turns "Oh? Why?" "I'm getting followed." You could practically hear his scoff. "Alright, alright calm down. I'll be outside in my tanktop, and probably sweatpants." You let out a low mhm and hung up.

You made a quick turn down the street and pulled up to his driveway pulling inside. There he was, on the doorstep waiting for you. You watched the other two cars drive away as you got out. "Thank fucking god Albert." You said wiping your forehead. He giggled a little. "You're welcome." You went inside and set down the stuff you got. You looked over and saw a pile of his clothes. "Oh my bad, you can wear those to bed if they're not too big." You smiled, "Thank you." You grabbed the clothes, the toothbrush, and the hairbrush you got and let him know you were gonna shower.

You got to the bathroom, grabbed a towel, and showered. You got out, wrapped yourself up, and walked into his room. You felt tense when he looked over, "Oh, hey you done?" "Oh uh, can you go somewhere else so I can change?" He nodded walking outside the room. You slowed your breathing down and quickly changed.

"Done!" And with that he walked in, laughing. "The shirt is so... Big on you." He said dying laughing. "Oh, shut the fuck up." You said punching him in the arm.

He handed you a laptop and signed you to follow him. You both walked into his office. "Ignore the mess. On the floor, and desk." He said giggling. "Yea... I noticed throughout your videos it gets progressively messier." You said giggling as well.


You two finished filming and sent your clip to your editor. You sent a little text too. "Hey, Paige! :) Try not to edit this too hard it's just a video with Flamingo I think his channel is? I just gotta get a video posted. THANK YOUUU."

With that, you shut the laptop and checked the time, "4 AM?!" You said looking up at Albert who was rubbing his eyes, "Yep." "I'm going to bed, sorry Albert." You said giggling and patting his chest. And with that. The fun night was over as sleep drifted over you.

(739 words!♥)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now