A mess.

740 13 12

You woke up at 6 A.M slamming your hand down on your alarm clock to shut it up. Albert wasn't with you like usual, he was at his house for once and you were going to your parent's house! You sat up rubbing your eyes and stepped out of bed nearly falling. "Jesus Christ..." You said grabbing your heart as if you almost died. You stretched and grabbed a dress and towel as you walked into the bathroom setting the shower water.

You got in the shower enjoying the hot water but remembered you were being timed. Your parent's house wasn't far away but you had to be there before 8:30 A.M. You'd finish up in the shower blow drying your hair for once instead of letting it air dry. You dried your body off as you slipped on the dress. It hugged your waist perfectly! It really showed your curves. You stopped admiring yourself and started working on your makeup. After you finish your makeup you grab high heels and slip those on as well. You'd run and grab your curler as you began to curl your hair. You looked wonderful! You turned your curler off and put it somewhere safe since it was still hot as you rushed to grab your keys, phone, and taser.

You ran downstairs and grabbed a breakfast bar before running out the front door locking it. It was only 7:55 but you were still in a rush, you walked over to your garage and you opened the door. You could hear Albert yelling, he was probably recording. You got in your car and drove off right away. It was an important event in your family today you couldn't be late.


You arrived at 8:25 knocking on the door as your mom opened it. "There's my baby girl!" Your mom said as she hugged you tight, your father came around the corner hugging you as well. They welcomed you inside the house, almost everyone was there but your brother. But that was really no surprise. He never came to the event, he only would if he was offered money or forced to, it was a shame.


It was around 7:30 P.M. and everyone was getting ready to head home. Hugs, kisses, and goodbyes were being said as you walked out the front door with everyone else. You could've sworn your mom started crying when you walked out. You got in your car and were the first to leave. You weren't in the mood for family traffic. You made it home safely as you opened the door sliding your heels off and rubbing your head. You were extremely hot. (Both ways😈🙏) You walked up to your bedroom immediately ripping the dress off and plopping down onto your bed. The air conditioning was on but you were still hot. "Maybe I'm running a fever..." You said as you got up going into the bathroom and checking your temperature. No fever. Maybe the house is just hot you thought to yourself. Just then you heard a knock on the door.

You ran downstairs and opened the door to see Albert. "Oh hey, babe." You said allowing him in. "Hi baby, you alright?" He said a bit worried. You were confused. "Oh yea, why?" You said confused. "Your face is all red." You ran into the nearest mirror looking. Hives. "My god. Hey hun, run upstairs and grab the Epipen on the nightstand near the left side of my bed!"

You could hear Albert run up and down as he handed you the pen as you used it. "No wonder I was so hot. I must've eaten something I was allergic to without realizing it." You said as you walked out putting the Epipen on the coffee table. You walked into the kitchen and cooked something random for dinner and you and Albert ate before bed. You two went upstairs and snuggled up heading to bed.

(Sorry for the lack of updates. There's no excuse like I said I was just being lazy as hell. Love y'all sm though.💕💕 680 WORDS!!♥♥)

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