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..You woke up yet again not in your bed. What was going on with you and sleeping everywhere but your room? You ignored your own thoughts and looked at the time, "3:00 AM." Yea, you really did mess up your sleep schedule.

You went to rub your eyes before jumping hearing a knock at your door. "Just a second!" You said reclipping your hair and walking toward the door.

You opened the door to see Albert staring down at you. "Oh hey, what's up?" You said smiling, no response. Your smile faded as he still didn't respond. You looked around until you notice your jacket wasn't on leaving your chest on display since you had a tank top on.

You quickly grabbed your jacket put it on and snapped your fingers at Albert. "Helloo?" He blinked and stared at you, "Oh sorry... Must've zoned out. Can I come in?" You nodded moving out of the door frame and allowing him to enter your house.

"Cool house." You smiled brightly. "Thank you!" He walked to your couch and sat down. "I wanted to ask you something, it's embarrassing though." You shot him a confused looking grabbing something to drink for yourself. "What is it?"

"Do you uhm by chance know what Roblox is?" You felt yourself light up. "You do play too?!" You quickly ran out to the living room. He was smiling. "I do! What's your user I'll add you?" He said pulling out his phone. "It's (username)" He nodded typing it in.

You pulled out your phone opening Roblox. "Mrflimflam? What kinda username is that." You jokingly said laughing. He laughed too before you realized his followers. "Damn, dude... You famous or something?"

"Yea I guess I am, I do YouTube. My channel is Flamingo." You were confused, "Not to be rude, how have I NEVER heard of you up until now?" He chuckled a little, "I mean not everyone does you act like I'm mad about it." You rolled your eyes. "Okay, well I'm gonna try to head to bed and get my sleep schedule back on track, so why don't you go home."

You both laughed and he left a few minutes later. Gosh, you were gushing over someone you met a few days ago. You wiped the smirk off your face and went upstairs getting on your TV and going to YouTube. "Flamingo... Let's see if he's truthful." You clicked the first one you saw and saw him immediately. "Holy shit..." You said looking at all the subscribers he had.

You clicked one of the newer videos and watched it laughing your ass off, he was really funny. You fell asleep an hour later watching his videos and woke up to your phone blowing up.

Who could that be?..

(462 words!♥)

Sorry guy's! This is kinda rushed I made it at 1:30 in the morning.😭

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