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(BEEP BEEP BEEP) You rubbed your eyes as your alarm clock repeatedly went off. You sat up turning your alarm off as Albert sat up as well. You got up out of bed and grabbed some new clothes and walked into the bathroom to shower while Albert just laid on his phone in bed waiting for you to be done. You turned on the water and got inside the shower, the steaming hot water felt great on your back and you took your time in the shower.

After an hour you got out and wrapped a towel around you walking outside of the bathroom. Albert was no longer in your room so he probably went home to record, reasonable. You dried yourself off and claw-clipped your hair before getting dressed. You had nothing planned for today so you planned on sitting back and relaxing, it had been a long week and relaxation was exactly what you needed.

You finished getting dressed and grabbed your phone went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of cereal. You sat down on the couch and turned on your favorite show, it was rainy outside, and relaxing when the rain hit your windows.

You closed your curtains and dimmed the lights as you ate, this was just what you needed. Your week had been pretty shitty and this seemed to cure it all. The rain hitting the windows, your favorite show playing, and being able to sit back on the couch and eat cereal in silence was calming and it soothed your nerves. It was like every issue you'd ever had just gone away at that moment.

You finished eating and paused your show walking into the kitchen to get a second bowl of cereal. Usually, you only had one but today was your day. In the making of your cereal someone knocked on your door. You put the cereal box down and walked over to the door peering through the peephole. Albert stood outside soaking wet as you opened the door laughing.

Time skip

As you dried Albert off you two laughed. "How long were you out there for?" You said in silent giggles. He shrugged. "I didn't wanna bother you, your curtains were shut and the lights were dimmed so I just guessed you wanted alone time." He said as you blow-dried his hair. Even though you never really blow-dried your hair you kept a blow drier for whatever reason.

You finished drying Albert off as the rain came to a stop. The house was completely silent and the only thing heard was the laughs from you and Albert. You both walked into the kitchen and swarmed the cabinets looking for something sweet to eat. Just then Albert tapped your shoulder holding a box of cake mix. "Ooo, good choice!" You said grabbed the box.

You and Albert grabbed the essentials needed for the cake and began the mess. Albert's face was covered in cake batter along with his clothes. How did someone manage to be so messy during such an easy task? However, you remained spotless somehow. You poured the batter into the pan and popped it in the oven.

You stared at Albert disappointed before pointing upstairs. "Go shower, now." You said crossing your arms as Albert did the walk of shame up the stairs. You could hear him rustling around your closet for any of his clothes. On some occasions, Albert would leave his clothes at your house so you basically had his entire closet to yourself all the time. You listened closely to make sure he really got in the shower. When the water started you sat down on the couch unpausing the TV and watching it. You felt grateful today was calmer than usual. Everything felt perfect.

Time skip

Thirty minutes later Albert came down with wet hair and a tanktop and sweatpants on. He joined you on the couch watching your show with you. At some point, you two must've blacked out because you woke up in Albert's arms with him asleep. You didn't bother getting up or waking up Albert. Everything was calm and quiet. You felt like your life was at ease now.

Hey guys! I know this probably isn't the best ending but I wanna thank everyone who took their time to read this, it was a great experience writing this story and I wanna be able to make more stories like this! Please, leave some suggestions in the comments so I can get a new one started soon, I enjoy writing these silly little stories. When I first started this story I didn't think it'd go on this far. I love you all so much and appreciate the support. The amount of reads and votes on this story made me more happy than ever! I love you all so much, drop some suggestions in the comments on what I should do next.♥

3/11/23 9:22 P.M. - 7/18/23 8:45 P.M.

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now