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(BEEP BEEP-) You slammed your hand down on your alarm and sighed deeply. There he goes again you thought. You had only been here for a day and your neighbor was already on your nerves. It was only 6 AM and he was screaming. AGAIN.

You sat up in your bed rubbing your eyes adjusting them to the barely risen sun. "What is he doing up at 6 AM yelling..?" You whispered to yourself.

You rolled your eyes, got out of bed, grabbed a fresh change of clothes, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. You quickly showered, brushed your teeth, and put your hair in a clip.

You finished up and grabbed your phone walking down the stairs. It was now 7:30, hopefully, your annoying neighbor was still home, because you'd LOVE to discuss the noise with them.

You walked over to the front door and slid your shoes on. You grabbed your taser just in case and walked over. As you made your way over you felt an uneasy feeling.

You felt a deep pit in your stomach before knocking, you heard some rustling before the door opened. It was the guy from last night. You felt your face redden as he looked down at you. He had sweatpants on without a shirt, was he just now getting ready to get in bed..?

"Hey, uhm... I wanted to ask if you could maybe quiet it down in the morning maybe..?" You said feeling lightheaded saying every word. It was apparent he was annoyed and tired so you tried to wrap it up. "Yea sure." He spoke lowly. "Okay great! T-thanks." You said looking the other way just as you did last night, still unable to hold eye contact with him. "Mhm.." He said shutting the door.

You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you walked back over to your house opened the door and immediately plopped yourself down on the couch. You quickly slid off your shoes and called your friend Layla.

"Hey, girl! What's up? And are you alright? Your face is red..." You quickly turned off your camera. "Yea yea, I'm alright just had an encounter with someone." You saw her smirk. "Who was it? Come on, tell me Y/N!" You sighed. "Okay, so as you're aware I moved into my new house yesterday finally, and on my way to the corner store I ran into a really cute guy... And it turns out he's my neighbor." She raised her eyebrow, "So what?" "Layla. He's 5'11 and looks to have fluffy hair, HE'S INSANELY BUFF. And I went over to yell at him and could barely get a few words out. THAT'S WHAT." Her expression quickly changed back to a smirk. "Oooh... Is Y/N crushing on her neighbor?.. That's a new one."

"Layla, you're no help in this situation!" You hung up the phone and flung your face into the pillow on your couch.

Could this get any worse?..

(Authors note)

Omg. Thank you all for the support even though it isn't much I'm more than grateful! I love you all! 

(524 words.♥)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now