Will he always be here?

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It had been two days since you stayed at Alberts, and it felt weird. One minute you have his head between your thighs with his messy fluffy hair, and the next minute you are at home crying.

A day after you got home you and your friend Layla got into an incident and she dumped you. It hit you right in the fucking heart, she knew every secret ever and left without thinking of talking it through. She gave you one last fuck you and walked out of your house like it was nothing. All you could do is stalk her Instagram page in hopes she'll come back the way you want her to. Albert had been trying to reach you but you were in no mood for his... Well, the way he acted really.

And you didn't wanna sound rude so you just, didn't answer. Which probably didn't make your situation better trying to isolate yourself from a person you loved. You sat curled up in your bed with the blinds closed, and lights off. You hadn't showered and felt like you couldn't even move. Stained mascara ran down your cheeks like a tree with branches as it parted on the way down.

Your phone buzzed over, and over again fulfilled with texts, missed calls, and voicemails from Albert. You just couldn't. You felt like your life was over stalking someone you've seen ugly cry, get whooped by her parents, in the shower, drunk, and bloody. Layla was gone. And there was no doubt she wasn't gonna break the promise of never coming back.

You cried for minutes before hearing knocks, and your doorbell. You sighed sitting up in your bra trying desperately to wipe the runny mascara off your face. You brushed your hair and went down to see who was there. You looked out and saw Albert. You felt your face redden with embarrassment preparing yourself to open the door. You didn't do a good enough job wiping your tears because he walked in without asking. He looked at you with his worried eyes as if he was gonna cry at the sight of you.

"Are you okay?" You felt your eyes get puffy and blurry with just those three words. "Oh, yea I'm-" You stopped. Were you gonna lie to someone trying to help you get through this? "No. I'm not okay Albert." You said letting tears run down your cheeks. "Woah, woah it's okay. What's going on?" He said grabbing your hands. "It's just-" You felt yourself fall into him as he wrapped his arms around you. "It's fine, tell me when you're ready." He said rubbing your back in a circle. You sniffed and felt yourself get picked up by him as if you weighed not a single pound.

He placed you on your bed, "Wait right here."


After 15 minutes Albert returned with one of his shirts, Mcdonald's, and chocolate. He set it all on the bed and put his shirt on you as well as if you were too ill to do it yourself. "Thank you..." You said whispering as he took his shoes off sitting next to you. "Of course, if you ever feel like this again don't isolate yourself, let family or me know. That's what friends are for Y/N." FRIENDS? Was that all he saw you as? A friend? Were you not good enough? Was it your body type? The way you act? The way you treat him? What was it that he couldn't love you?

You gave a glance at him as he ate with you. This was the man who slept in between your thighs, giving you his clothes, let you stay at his house, spoke to you without a shirt like it was nothing, grabbed your waist, went on a run with you, and all he sees you as is a... FRIEND? You snapped out of your thoughts and turned to Albert. "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" He turned, "Oh uh yea, things didn't work out."

"What was she like?" He froze, "She was kind and beautiful. I can't disrespect someone for leaving me so why not stay honest." You felt like you were gonna break out in tears again so you excused yourself to the restroom.

You felt so ugly compared to most girls and asking him that like a dumbass didn't help you feel better. You looked in the mirror as you cried looking at his shirt, how do you know she didn't wear this once? How do you know her lipstick hasn't been pressed onto this? You felt more heavy tears coming, were you this dramatic? You jumped hearing a knock at the door, you opened it and immediately alert, and concern filled Alberts's eyes. You felt his hands wrap around you pulling you in tight for a hug. "I know you may not be okay right now but I'm not leaving until you are." You both walked over to your bed and you got under the covers, Albert played with your hair as you drifted away into slumber sniffling.

You loved this man in ways no one could describe.

(Sorry for another short chapter, recently depression has been getting the best of me and having to wake up worrying to update this for all you lovely people is heavy on me, please be patient. Longer chapters will be back soon, I promise.

896 words!)

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