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Heyy, so I took a break off the internet so please excuse my inactivity. But I'm taking someone's request about a gym crush! The new story will be out soon when my laptop is done being repaired. Thank you for your patience.❤️


Update: Okay, so my laptop is repaired and I am able to write again, woo hoo! But I know I said I'd do a "Gym crush" story but it wasn't working out how I wanted it to. So I need some suggestions and opinions. I really don't have any good ideas, this story was literally something I pulled out of my ass and somehow it blew up. Just a warning though, if you do suggest someone or a character I'm not familiar with I more likely won't do them, or I might learn some stuff about them and do some research and make the story. It just depends really. But thank you guys for all your patience and I hope I didn't disappoint with all my disappearances lately.


Possible upcoming stories: Another Albert story (still no smut), possibly a TADC character (no smut probably) and suggestions! Also does anyone else just really have a craving for Sukuna all of a sudden? I'll take all 20 fingers.


Hello everyone! I know it's been a while since I've spoke with you guys, and I do apologize for that. But I really wanna discuss something. As much as I enjoyed writing this story for you guys, it was slightly over whelming to me. I'm not saying I won't write anymore stories in the future, but for now I really just wanna take things slowly instead of rushing myself. This story was super fun to write, and seeing some of your comments really use to make my day better. But until further notice I'm gonna be on "break." I'll still be active but I won't be publishing stories until later into this year. Maybe mid April I'll start publishing again. But if I do publish sooner I will try my best to make the story enjoyable. I'm a really shitty writer to be honest, this story blowing up was honest pure luck. If I do make a new story anytime soon, the updates will be weekly. Whenever I update upcoming story's in the future I'll try to publish a new chapter every Saturday night. When school comes to end in May, or June I'll more likely publish more, and become more active with you guys. But for now I'm gonna take it slow, school is over whelming enough and I don't wanna carry a bunch of weight on my shoulders. I hope you all understand where I'm coming from, I love you guys so much !!💋❤

Hiii. Sorry for the sudden "disappearance" of mine but, this story is officially a year old!! On this exact date it was made!! Thank you all for the love and, support. I appreciate every single one of you.🩷🩷

Would anyone be interested in a fanfic about Ryomen Sukuna...😁

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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