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You woke up with a pounding headache, barely remembering bits of last night with your friend. You rubbed your head groaning as you sat up.

You stood up walked to the bathroom opening the cabinet to grab some medicine. You took some and walked to your room grabbing Albert's shirt, pair of black shorts, white socks, and your hair clip.

You walked into the bathroom grabbing onto the walls as you were still a little dizzy. You turned on the shower hopping inside, as the water hit your back you let out a groan of pain. Your head was killing you.


You finished your shower and got dressed walking over to your vanity. You put on makeup to match your outfit grabbing a matching pair of shoes, and a jacket. You clipped your hair up and walked downstairs. You read the time on the oven. "6:30 PM... Maybe I shouldn't have gotten ready for a run..." You sighed and walked out the door anyway. You made your way to the street before seeing Albert's house, you had small memories from last night, including the one where he bathed you.

You felt your own jaw drop, did that seriously happen or was this your wild imagination roaming again? You shut your mouth gulping, if he really did... He saw everything. You felt exposed in your own skin as goose bumps ran up your body. You heard a door open and slam and saw Albert walking outside. You looked over accidentally locking eyes with him. "Oh, what's up Y/N?" He said walking over.

You felt yourself redden as he got close. "Oh, uh hey Albert..." He giggled a little, "I see we're using my name now instead of Mrflimflam." You rolled your eyes and gave him a punch. "Alright, seriously Albert. Did you... Last night." You said hoping he knew what you spoke of. "Oh uh, yea you started crying when I said no so I was practically held at your gunpoint." You laughed holding your stomach. You stopped, so you were right. HE SAW EVERYTHING. "WAIT, YOU SAW EVERYTHING?" You said eyes widened. You could tell he knew you were embarrassed. "Y/N, it isn't a big deal. Nothing happened, I promise you I don't care. I'm glad to help." You still felt embarrassment rush through your veins. "But-" He interrupted you, "But nothing, it was the least I could do. I couldn't leave you there crying." You stopped and looked into his eyes. He meant what he said.

You let out a defeated sigh. "Thank you..." You said as he smiled pleased. "You're welcome." He said leaning in a little making you back up and turn red once again. "What? Can't handle me?" He said leaning back and giggling like a child. You rolled your eyes, "Albert, you have the humor of a 3rd grader, and you act like one too." He scoffed, "So what! At least I have humor." "You cause forest fires." He froze. "You got me there I guess." You nudged him, "Oh get over it big baby, wanna run with me?" His face lit up with that dumb, but attractive expression. "Thought you'd never ask." He said taking his jacket off and revealing his tank top. You stared at his arms before seeing fingers snapping in your face. "Stop staring at my arms and let's go, daydreamer." You scoffed and prepared to defend yourself before feeling a hand over your mouth. "Let's go," Albert said releasing his hand, you nodded and the two of you began running together side by side.


You two finished running and Albert gave you a fistbump before talking again. "You wanna come in?" He said signaling to his house. You nodded following him inside. Like the usual boy's house, there were clothes on the floor and undone dishes. But he wasn't ashamed at all. He acted quite confident about it. Like an unwanted trophy. You both walked up to his "office" as he took his tank top off, "Woah, dude. Don't strip in front of me." He giggled a little grabbing a new shirt and putting it on. He turned on his computer. "I gotta film you can sit on the bean bag." You nodded walked over to the bean bag sat down getting on your phone. Albert started recording and of course, screams started. "God damn- dang dude... You're loud." He turned around, "Language." You scoffed, "As if you don't-" "LANGUAGE." You nodded, "Yes sir understood." Albert slammed his fist on the desk not being able to pass a part of the game he was playing.

"Need help?" You said standing up and walking over. He rolled his eyes. "Go for it." "I need somewhere to sit." He crossed his arms refusing to move telling you to stand. You rolled your eyes and sat on his lap. His eyes widened but then they went to normal again as if this normally accrued. You tried 5 times before passing it. "HA, YOU JUST NEED A GENIOUS DUMB AS-" You felt a hand cover your mouth, "LANGUAGE." He said turning off the camera.

"OH SHUT UP WITH YOUR LANGUAGE SHIT YOU CUSS MORE THAN ME." His eyes widened as if he was offended. "I DO NOT." You scoffed. "OH REALLY?"


After 10 minutes of arguing you and Albert chilled in his "office" for a little on the bean bag together judging people's outfits on Twitter. "That dress looks cute." You said pointing it out. He scoffed, "That's ugly as shit." This man was too brutally honest sometimes. "Oh shut up." You said slapping his arm. You snapped a picture with Albert and posted it on Twitter.







???: Slay bestfriends!

???: First stage, DENIAL.

???: Yea... Besties are what we'll call it as you casually sit on his lap💀


"These comments just can't get enough dude." You said going ham on the chocolate you found. "Yea, maybe it is the fact you were on my lap and it isn't usual for someone like me to be seen around people like you." You rolled your eyes. "Nah. I don't think so." Abert rolled his eyes. "You crashing here?" He said looking over. You shrugged. "Sure."


Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now