Hanging out.

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...You grabbed your phone to see who it was from.

-10 texts from Albert- "What?" You said confused. You unlocked your phone and checked what he wanted.


Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?


If you stop blowing up my phone for a couple of minutes I'll consider it.


Fair enough.

He wants to hang out... "HE WANTS TO HANG OUT!" You yelled aloud forgetting he's your neighbor. You slammed your hand over your mouth praying to god he didn't hear you. You got up and walked over to the bathroom, you showered, brushed your teeth, and put your hair up. You never liked blow-drying your hair, the sound of it irritated you.

You picked out a cute tight red dress since you were going to see your grandparents with your parents today. You felt lucky Albert asked to hang out tomorrow since your schedule was tight today. You had to go grocery shopping, get some exercise in, and drive an hour to see your grandparents. You finished getting dressed, and overthinking. You walked over to your vanity.

You sat down and put on your makeup finishing up with some lashes. You looked great and felt great. You grabbed your red pair of heels and went downstairs. Your grandparents were always judging people so you wanted to look appropriate.

You went downstairs after grabbing your phone. You grabbed your car keys off the kitchen counter along with a water bottle from the fridge.

"Last one, good thing I'm going shopping after this." You sighed.

You grabbed your taser, phone, and keys again and walked out the front door. Just the sound of the clicking coming from your high heels pleased you with satisfaction. You turned around to see Albert in his yard skateboarding in the garage.

You had a good 10 minutes before you had to go so you decided to stop by. You walked over your heels making you noticeable to moment you stepped on his property. "Hey, Albert." You said smiling.

His face changed when he saw you, almost a little red. "You look dressed up?" He questioned. You giggled a little, "I'm supposed to go see my grandparents and they're a bit judgy about appearance so I always try to look the best I can when I visit."

He smiled, "Well, you look good. I'm sure they'll love your dress and the makeup." You felt your face redden as he complimented you. You stared at him for a minute in his tank top before speaking up. "Well uhm, I better get going. See you later. Bye, Albert!"

With that, he waved goodbye and walked over to your car. You felt your heart racing as your parents pulled up. Like always your mother stepped out first to greet you. "Oh, my stars! Y/N you look as beautiful as ever. I'm sure they'll love it!" She said giving you a warm hug, and a smile. You hugged her back as your dad walked out, "Hey kiddo! You look great, I'm sure this time they'll keep their little comments about you to themselves." You felt yourself redden in embarrassment. "Okay okay, don't smother me in compliments, we gotta go." You said smiling showing your cheek dimples.

You're mother, and father let out a little laugh before getting in their car. You got in yours and started it up following them to your grandparent's house.

Time skip!

You all arrived safe and got out of your cars. You gave one another a look to stay strong when you walked in. Your grandparents were pretty wealthy too, so they never failed to impress. They were the ones who bought you your Tesla...

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now