Staying the night?

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You woke up to the sound of knocking at your door. "Who could that be?..." You got up and brushed your hair down a little bit. You still had your jogging fit on from last night but the shirt got ruined from sleeping in the most awkward positions.

You sat up and hopped to the floor, "One minute please!" You grabbed your phone checking the time, 5:00. Oh shit. "Fuck, I had to hang out with Albert today." You prayed to god it wasn't him, "Lord please, lord please not today." You said rushing downstairs. You ran to the front door opening it to see who you didn't want to see the most right now, Albert.

"Oh fuck, sorry Albert I forget we were hanging out." You said rubbing your neck to release some tension built up. "Oh no worries, you can get ready while I wait?" You felt relief fill your body, "Alright thanks, I'm gonna shower though so it might take a little. You wanna wait in my room?" You said stretching.

"Sure." He said giggling a little at your messed-up hair. You jokingly rolled your eyes smirking, "Follow me." He nodded walking into your house and up the stairs to your room, "Nice house Y/N." He piped up. "Oh, thanks!" You said nervously. You welcomed him into your bedroom, immediately his eyes went to your computer and camera.

"Hey, before you hop in the shower. What's that for?" He said pointing at the setup. "Shit I thought I had enough time to tell you later." You said giggling a little. "I uh, film for Youtube." You said awkwardly staring at Albert.

A small smile formed on his face. "Oh, and you thought you could just hide it from me?!" He said ruffling your hair. You felt yourself redden as you looked away. "No... I just wasn't gonna tell you... Until later." You spat out. "Well, how long was later supposed to be?" He said teasing. "Oh fuck off Albert." You said laughing. You pointed to the bed signing him to sit. "Stay here while I shower." You instructed. He nodded laying back as if he owned the bed watching on his phone.

You gushed over this man no matter what he did, you couldn't help it. You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes walking into your restroom. You turned on the shower undressing. As you were about to admire yourself in the mirror before getting in you saw a scratch on your stomach. "What the fuck?" You said loudly, you heard a knock on the door jumping. "Are you okay in there Y/N?" You heard Albert say.

"Oh, yea! Thanks for checking." You said your heart pounding. "Alright." He said. You hopped in the shower washing your hair, and body. You got out the cloud of steam and, smoke filling your face. You wiped it away and cleared the mirror. You smiled looking at yourself, you were always confident of yourself alone. But near other girls you felt bent down, you didn't know why. Maybe it was jealousy, or maybe you thought you'd never compare to them. But whatever it was, every day it was in your way.

Before you could think again you heard a large thud. "ALBERT! What did you do?" Silence. You covered yourself in a towel and opened the door, you saw Albert standing up towering over you giving you an awkward smile as you saw your phone in his hands. "I accidentally kicked it off the bed..." He said laughing a little. You stepped back a little as he was close to you. "Of course you did Albert. Now let me get ready in quiet." He nodded gulping as a joke to seem intimidated by you. You shoved him a little the towel almost falling before you shut the door.

This man had a grip on you, almost your soul even. You couldn't keep your eyes off his arms, his face, everything about him was just perfect. You snapped out of your thoughts fast enough to get ready.

You finished doing your hair and walked out going over to your vanity to grab some lipgloss. "What, you plan on kissing me?" He said jokingly. You both laughed, "Maybe I am, who knows." You said as you two laughed your asses off again, for some reason this was just funny with him. With any other guy, you would've felt offended, or uncomfortable. But for some reason, Albert was different. You finished up finally as you grabbed your taser and keys. "Who needs a taser when you have me." He said as he flexed his muscles making you go deep red. You laughed it off as he put his jacket back on giggling.

You both shoved each other practically down the stairs determined to get to the door first. Finally, with one fat shove, you pushed him to the side darting to the door, before you could think you felt a strong hand grip your waist as if you offended them pulling you back as Albert passed you making it to the door first. "HEY! That isn't fair, you can't do that!" You said laughing. "Who says I can't?" He said smirking. You rolled your eyes walking outside after Albert locking the door behind you.

You two ran over to his house so he could grab some things, this would be the first time in his house so you tried not to be judgy.

His house wasn't bad, some clothes scattered on the floor but you didn't care, you two reached his office. "Damn Albert, did you just get finished with someone in here before coming over?" You could practically HEAR the smirk he had on. "You just assume weird, and dirty things about me huh?" He said giggling like an immature 3rd grader." "WHAT? No, no, no I was kidding." You said panicking over nothing, his giggle soon turned into a loud laugh as tears filled his eyes. You were red as a beet, his comment got to you. "Albert it isn't funny." You said holding in your laugh. He returned your answer in hard breaths trying not to laugh again. With one last groan of relief, he stopped laughing, wiping his eyes. "Oh, you should've seen your goddamn face Y/N." You nudged him in the waist. "Oh shut up and let's go." He walked behind you making it very known where he stood and stared. You felt his eyes pierce through you as you walked through his house.

You both walked to his garage as he unlocked his car, "Get in the front princess." He said giggling again, you laughed as well. "I got a question though Albert." You said, "Alright, hit me with it." "So, I watched some of your videos and noticed you play Roblox. I do too sometimes and I wanted to know if you wanna film with me?" His face lit up. "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?" He said starting the car. You felt yourself flash red, "I don't know. I only have like 6mil. And you have like 12mil." You said buckling up, "What do subscribers gotta do with this?" He said staring at you. "Nothing." You said looking away avoiding eye contact with him.

"Alright well, damn princess." He said giggling again as you turned your head in a second. "Bitch stop calling me princess." You said giving him a jokingly nudge. "My bad, my bad babe." He said laughing holding his stomach for dear life as you covered your face. "Just drive Albert." You said hiding in your shirt. You felt the car roll out as he turned to the right. "Where do you wanna go?" He said. You felt his eyes on you as you looked over, "A couple of days ago I saw an abandoned place, wanna go there?" You said smirking. "Now Y/N, if I or you go missing. How do you think fangirls and fanboys would react?" You rolled your eyes, "Albert, everyone thinks your hot. They'd go crazy." He chuckled a little ready to say something. "So does everyone include you?" He said giggling.

"What do you mean..?" You said not prepared for his response. "I saw you stare at my abs yesterday." He held in his laugh as your jaw dropped. "No, I didn't." You said trying to protest. "Then you stared at my arms." He said going on, "Do I need to continue?" "No, you don't. And to answer that question, no everyone doesn't include me." You said rolling your eyes with a smirk. "Sure, but where do you wanna go seriously? No jokes this time included."

"How do I know you're not lying-" He put his hand over your mouth shushing you, "Y/N, where do you wanna go?" He said giggling as you glared him down. He let go of your face allowing you to speak, "Target." You spat out angrily.

TIME SKIP. (Fuck you no more car ride talk.😜🙏)

You guys walked into Target as you went down to the candy aisle. "Who's money do you plan on spending?" A voice asked. "Mine, yours, both." You said giggling. "Of course," Albert said nudging you.

"Well hurry up, they close in 10. You took too long gushing over me in the car." You gasped punching him. "Shut up Albert, I did not." He giggled a little as you grabbed stuff.

Another time skip fuck you. /j

You cashed out, and Albert took you home. "I had fun tonight Albert!" You said reaching in your purse to find your keys. Oh fuck. "Goddamn it." You said slapping your face. "What?" He said concerned. "I left my keys inside..." "You're welcome to stay at my place then?" He said. "Oh... Uh sure." You said nervously.

How would this turn out...?

(1618 words!♥)

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