Dear god.

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You and Albert exchanged worried looks as he pulled Layla off Vanessa. Layla was untouched, not that it was surprising. Vanessa sat on the ground staring at Layla in fear. Her nose was bleeding, her eyes were both bruised, and her lip was popped. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Vanessa screamed. Layla stood with fury in her eyes as Albert and you held her back. "Calm down." You said to Layla trying to avoid more fighting.

Albert looked at you, and then back at Layla. Vanessa got up while she could and practically ran down the road at full speed. Albert let go of Layla and you did too. "What was that about?!" He said furious. Layla rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't even Albert." You didn't say anything, you just watched them fight. "Stop acting like you didn't know Vanessa was trying to get in your bed." Albert's eyes widened in surprise. "Excuse me?" He said walking forward a bit. You weren't worried, you knew he wasn't gonna hit her or anything. "You heard me. It was so obvious Vanessa was trying to make Y/n jealous, and the moment she does, you stand up for her? It was so obvious she was disgusted with Y/n and tried her best to get rid of her. But you stood there and didn't do anything." Albert looked at you as if asking with his eyes if you were jealous. You stayed silent. "Don't look at her. She didn't do anything."

Albert's eyes went back to Layla who was obviously aggravated. "You should've noticed that when Vanessa kept you for an extra THREE HOURS. She was interested. You told Y/n you'd be home at 7 but god forbid you were truthful about it." "Vanessa wanted to show me her house!" Albert said defending himself. "Yea, Albert. Do you know what else she wanted to show you? UNDER HER SKIRT." Layla shoved him signing this was your time to break into it. "Woah, woah calm down. You don't know if he knew that." You said trying to defend both sides.

"Y/n, what is she on about," Albert said seriously. "Don't worry about it, Albert." You said turning back to Layla. "I get you're trying to stand up for me, and you did good enough. There's no need to blame him for Vanessa being a whore..." You mumbled under your breath. He must've heard you because he turned your direction, "You were jealous?" You felt your eyes widen as the words came out of his mouth. "Yea, she was. You're her boyfriend you should've noticed!" Layla said but you quickly shushed her embarrassed. "Y/n, if you were jealous you could've told me." He smirked seeing Layla calm down to giggle. "I WASN'T JEALOUS!" You said in a panic. "You two can talk about this I'm going home." You said walking away. You could hear the two giggling.


You woke up to your alarm blaring in your ear slamming the snooze button. You rolled over to see Albert on his phone. WHEN DID HE GET HERE? "When did you get here?!" You said sitting up. "When me and Layla finished talking we both walked over to your house and I unlocked the door with my spare key. Layla's sleeping below your bed right now." You crawled to the bottom of your bed and looked to see Layla sleeping. You facepalmed. "Oh, my god." "Oh, I and Vanessa parted ways. Since you were so jealous." You turned your head quickly. "I wasn't JEALOUS." He giggled a little as Layla woke up to your screaming.

"What time is it..." She said rubbing her eyes. "It's 9:30." She groaned in response getting up and walking downstairs to the kitchen as if she owned the house. You sighed and kissed Albert before heading to the bathroom to shower.

You finished showering and walked down to see Layla gone, "Where's Layla babe?" You said looking over at Albert. "She went home, her boyfriend picked her up." You shrugged walking over to Albert sitting next to him on the couch. "What're you doing?" "Remembering how jealous you were last night-" "I WASN'T JEALOUS!"

God this was embarrassing.

(694 WORDS♥♥)

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