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..You woke up and looked at your phone.. "1:25.. AM?!" You rubbed your eyes and sat up. You looked around as if you were lost before standing up. "I could've sworn I didn't go to bed.." You sighed realizing your sleep schedule was more likely gonna be messed up after this.

You went upstairs and got in the shower not being bothered by the time. You got out, brushed your teeth, dried your hair, and got in shorts, and a tank top.

You back downstairs and heard a thunk next door. Probably the neighbor... You walked into the kitchen ignoring the loud bangs coming from the house over, it wasn't your business what he was doing anyway.

You made some cereal and sat on the couch getting on your phone and opening Snapchat. Nothing. "Predicted-" You were cut off by a scream. "NOT FAIR!" You shut your phone off and put the cereal down rubbing your head.

You turned on the TV ignoring whatever your neighbor was up to. You watched your favorite show (Can be any you want!) for an hour before shutting off the TV. You checked your phone, "2:57." You rubbed your eyes and decided to go down to the corner store to get a drink.

You grabbed a jacket, slid on your crocs, and grabbed your taser, keys, and phone of course.

You walked out the door locking it behind you before making your way down the street. It was quiet until you made it to your neighbor's house, there was rustling around in one of the rooms. You looked up to see a fan that was visible, with foam heads on it?.. "Weirdo..." You said continuing to walk down the street.

After five minutes you made it to the corner store and got your drink, (whatever drink you want I'm not gonna decide for you) you cash out and walk back home.

On your way home you see the guy you had two encounters with skateboarding, you checked your phone. "What is he doing skateboarding at 3:10 in the goddamn morning..." You made eye contact with him for a minute before walking faster when he stopped riding and walked over to the side of the street you were on.

You gripped your taser before hearing a low "Hey." You turned around to see the guy walking towards you. "Are you the girl that I keep running into?" You looked down at the ground not making eye contact. "Yea..." You said quietly. You looked up and saw him eyeing you down.

"Hey, I wanna apologize if I came off rude at first?" You looked up confused. "Rude? No no, you came off good. I can understand I wouldn't wanna be bothered by my new neighbor either."

He giggled a bit. "Anyway, nice to meet you I'm Albert." He held out his hand and you shook it. "I'm Y/N." Even though you two were just talking you were focused on the tank top he was wearing. It really showed his buff arms- "Uh Y/N?" You looked up, "Oh sorry, I zoned out." "Oh sorry, it's fine."

His voice was so low pitched, but also high pitched?... You didn't really care, you thought it was sweet. "I was about to head home, nice seeing you again even though I'll more likely see you more than we'd both like." You went to turn around before he said "Wait." You looked over, "What's up?"

"Can I get your number? I wanna be friends you seem cool." You smiled. "Sure!" He handed you his phone and you typed in your contacts. "Thanks! I'll text when I can." He said smiling back at you. "Sounds great Albert. Bye!" He went down the other side of the street while you walked home.

Maybe things would turn out well?

(627 words!)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now