Take a break.

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It had been two weeks since the Layla incident and since you broke down in front of Albert. Though it all stayed the same, you stalked Layla's Instagram and found out she was moving away to live with her "real" friends, or so she calls them. You didn't like her friends, they always found something to pick on you for, your YouTube channel, you're obsession with Roblox, your personality. It was one thing after another.

But soon enough you escaped your deep thoughts and felt yourself light up, maybe a spa day for yourself. You sat up quickly and ran to your supplies closet grabbing candles, and other sorts. You grabbed a fresh pair of clothes until you saw Albert's shirt on the floor, "Shit... I'll return it later." You decided to go live and let your fans know why you weren't posting as much.

"Alright... 3.. 2.. 1.. Start!"


After about 20 minutes you had around 100k people and decided to start talking. "Hi, guys! It's me Y/N, the one who hasn't posted in 3 weeks, hooray." You said sarcastically. You looked at chat and saw people spamming about Albert until one stuck out to you.






The whole chat went into panic mode about Albert's shirt, you muted chat for a minute to explain, "Okay, okay. Yes, it is Albert's." You picked it up showing it to the camera. 2 weeks ago something went down so he came over and... Left it on accident." You talked some more before ending live and starting up the bathwater.

It had been a while since you treated yourself this nicely.


You finished caring for yourself and put on a tank top, a pushup bra, and some black shorts. You put on some white socks, put your air forces on, and went over to your vanity. You did a tint of black eyeshadow, lashes, eyeliner, and mascara.

You felt satisfied enough, put on some lipgloss, grabbed a grey jacket put it on, and grabbed your purse with all your safety stuff in it

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You felt satisfied enough, put on some lipgloss, grabbed a grey jacket put it on, and grabbed your purse with all your safety stuff in it.


After taking forever to eat you went outside, locked the door, and went to get in your car, "Hey, Y/N!" You jumped a little and saw Albert walking towards you. "Oh hey Albert, before I forget I have your shirt-" He shoved your hand back, "Just keep it." You fell silent and slowly nodded, "Anything else you needed?" You asked stepping back a little. "Nothing, I was just gonna ask if you wanted to hang out but you seem busy." You rubbed your neck, "Oh yea, I gotta make a run to the store. I'm running low on groceries." Albert hummed in return, "You're looking better, I'm glad you feel better now though." You smiled and gave him a small hug, "Thank you." You backed away and Albert walked back to his yard.

You sighed of relief that the tension you had built up was gone as you got in your car turning the air on. Even though you had a jacket on, it was fairly hot out. You looked at your phone, "89 fucking degrees? God damn Florida.." You said backing out of your driveway.


You made it to the store safely and went inside. The cold breeze hit you and you let out a sigh. You grabbed a cart and walked around the store a little, grabbing useless things, needed things, a new keyboard, the usual things. You walked over to where they keep the Robux and grabbed 10 cards. Even though you were wealthy you still felt shocked buying this much. You put the cards in the cart and checked your phone, you scrolled a little before feeling eyes on you.

You looked around to see Layla and her friends all staring at you, whispering. You rolled your eyes and suddenly heard high heels coming closer to you, you turned around to be face-to-face with one of her friends, Ashlee. "What?" You said confused. "Listen princess Y/N, we saw your little live." You nodded confused raising a brow, "Okay... What about it." She scoffed, "Isn't it obvious? Layla was inspired and wants to be friends again! Lucky you!!" You felt your jaw drop, you finally got over her and now she wants to come back? It wasn't gonna happen. "Well, I'd love to speak with her alone." Her friend signed her to come over as she walked away with the group.

Layla walked up rubbing her neck, "Hey Y/N..." You crossed your arms. Immediately her face dropped and their cover was blown. "Have you always been this dumb? I mean it's obvious you wanted to be back in my life to get some fame?" You felt a light shove.

"Y/N, you're so self-centered. You always complained to me about your issues, cut me some slack and give me a good reputation. I deserve the payback. Or, PAYCHECK." You felt your face cringe as you went to turn around until a hand gripped your shoulder.

In quick instinct, you swung around and punched her. Her friend's face went blank and Layla fell backward as her nose bled. You felt yourself look around seeing no one there, so you booked it.

You quickly paid in self-checkout and booked it to your car once more. You loaded everything up and dashed out of there. You constantly looked behind you making sure they weren't tailing you, and luckily they didn't.


It was around 8 PM a few hours after everything went down and you were in pajamas watching TikTok, you scrolled and scrolled until you saw an edit of you and Albert. You felt proud that you made it to the editors finally, but it wasn't what you wanted. The caption stated, "These two would be in a  perfect relationship. DID ANYONE ELSE SEE HIS SHIRT IN HER LIVE?!" The comments were people making up ship names, or people disagreeing because they wanted Albert free just for them.

You liked the video and scrolled past it.

Liking a video can't do anything. Can it?

(Heyy, I'm trying to make chapters longer again for y'all! <33 1041 WORDS!!)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now