Slumber party.

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It was 3 AM and you and Albert were trashing everything. "MOVE FATASS." You said throwing a pillow just barely hitting his face. His mouth dropped open as he threw one back, it slammed right into your stomach as you fell back. "GOD DAMN DUDE." You said sitting up before another came charging at you slamming you right back down.

You started laughing as Albert walked over with a pillow and squinted his eyes as if this was war. "Don't mess with ME BITCH." He said slamming one last pillow on you. You burst into laughter with Albert and you held your stomach like it was gonna pop. Albert nudged you and it turned into a full-on fight. "YOU'RE GOING DOWN BITCH!" You yelled loud enough that the other neighbors probably thought you were a divorced couple. You gave one last swing but he caught it and swung you down. When you accepted defeat Albert did the fucking L dance. "HAHAHA LOSER." You looked down at his shins, perfect opportunity. You kicked his shins flinging him backward.

His face looked like he was about to scream. You giggled and sat up grabbing the nearest pillow near you and slamming it into his face. Albert slammed down on his back and you died laughing once again.

The laughter died down as you grabbed your phone to see the time. "Dude, it's 3:30 in the morning, do you think we woke anybody up?" You said looking around as if this was a horror movie in the making. He shrugged. "Most of the time they don't know it's coming from me and they report the wrong person." You looked him up and down. "And you just let it happen? You really are something else, dude." He shrugged again. "It is what it is DUDE." He said mocking you. You rolled your eyes and slammed yourself down on the beanbag. "You think it's time to call it a night?" No response. "Albert?" "Nah, I don't think we should call it a night yet." And with that, you felt water being poured on you. You sat up gasping for air and turned your head at a now running Albert.

"ALBERT!!!!!!" You said dashing out the door after him.


It had been 30 minutes of searching, and no Albert in sight. Maybe hide and seek was a bad idea. "ALBERT!" You yelled you had yelled many times you had given up but clearly, he thought you were trying to get a win out of him. You sighed. Since he was hidden, he wouldn't know if you went on Roblox, would he? You looked around, but no giggling, breathing, or mumbling was heard. Maybe you were safe. You tiptoed back to the "office" and slowly shut the door not making a sound. You got on his computer and made a goofy avatar on his account.

Once you were finished you joined a game and watched as people swarmed around the goofy avatar. You giggled a little before hearing footsteps approach the office. You jumped closing Roblox and shutting off the computer. You spun the chair and got up exiting the room as if you never touched a thing. You walked down the other side of the hallway turning into his bedroom.

Albert hadn't been in there either so obviously, he was onto the case you had been in the office. Had this goofy game of hide and seek turned into a life-threatening experience with a goofy guy named Albert? You got goosebumps at the sound of footsteps approaching the bedroom. You turned around to see Albert peeking his head through the door. Your eyes met his as he walked in towards you.

"Were you looking for me in here, or were you snooping?" He said putting his hands on his hips and smirking. You gushed over the stupidest things he did but you couldn't help it. "I was looking for you." You said locking eyes with him again. "Right right, you were looking correct?" You nodded. "Okay, follow me." You followed him as he walked into the "office". He showed you his avatar, "Was this looking for me as well?" You avoided his eyes as if he was a disappointed mother ready to bash her child on their grades.

"Yes, it is... Actually." You felt a hand grab your shoulder. "Y/N, you could've said you gave up. But since you did, you have 3 minutes to hide. GO." He pushed you a little and you charged out the door shutting it so he didn't see which way you went.

You made your way toward the bathroom. You looked around. You noted the shower and walked out. You quietly ran to the door that led to his garage. There it was. HIS CAR. You smiled as you ran inside and grabbed his keys off the couch. You went back into the garage unlocked the car got in the back seat ducking down.

You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and shined the light down since it was dark. You could hear Albert running down the stairs as you held your breath hearing his footsteps get closer to the garage door. You froze not moving at all until the footsteps faded away.

You let out a deep sigh until the car door flung open. You squealed and turned quickly to see Albert staring at you. "Oh shit." He smiled. "Should've chosen a better hiding spot." You rolled your eyes and yawned, "Tired?" He asked lending you a hand and helping you out.

You nodded walking inside plopping down on the couch. You felt Albert looking at you so you looked up. "Here, come on you can sleep in my room with me." Your face flashed red and you slowly nodded following him to his bedroom.


You two got comfy in bed as you laid your head on his chest like it was nothing. And you both didn't move an inch. The whole night you just sat there, cuddling each other.

This wasn't so bad.


Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now