Taking a break

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Hey guys, so I'm gonna take maybe a three-day (or more) break because I just recently lost my best friend of 3 years to suicide and I'm taking it hard. I promise I'll update when I can but right now I'm at a loss for words and it hurts to even get up knowing she's gone, when I'm better there will be an update. And to anyone out there considering ending it all don't. It's heartbreaking to have someone you care for, love, and adore there one day, and just gone the next. Please, don't take the risk and get help. I care for every one of you and if you're having issues feel free to talk to me. I know this is sort of a gloomy thing to say, but I'd hate to find out any of you committed suicide. Please, reach out and get the help you need. Love you.♥

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