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You woke up with a pounding headache, god damn. "Huh?" You'd look over to see Albert was gone, probably woke up before you. You shrugged it off and stood up holding your head. "Where the fuck are my pain meds..." You said scrambling through your nightstand before finding them. You popped two in your mouth and swallowed them sighing. You grabbed your barely charged phone going through notifications before seeing one from Albert.


Albert💕: Hey babe, I'm going to be out with a friend from high school that bumped into me while I was at the store. I'll be home around 7. Love you. :)

-9:30 A.M.


You'd shut your phone off relieved. "Time to get ready... I guess." You stretched and grabbed some sweatpants, a tank top, and socks. You weren't going to bother with makeup today. You walked into the bathroom set your stuff down and started the shower. You looked at yourself in the mirror after undressing. "I'm kinda hot..." You said posing in front of the mirror before getting in the shower.

You got out an hour later and put on your clothes after drying off and clipping your hair up. You walked out of your bathroom checking the time. 2:30 P.M. "Not bad..." You said walking downstairs to the kitchen and grabbing some toast and cereal. You finished eating and washed the dishes before putting your shoes on and walking to the gas station. You made sure to bring your taser, phone, and house keys.

Not many people were out due to the heat, but other than that it was fine. You walked into the gas station and grabbed some snacks cashed out and left. You walked over to the park since it was right across the street and sat on the bench playing on your phone. You were so focused on your phone you hadn't realized Albert was in front of you. With another girl?...

"Hey, Y/n. What're you doing here?" He said obviously confused. "Oh, uh I went on a walk. Who's your little friend." You said smiling at her and putting your phone down. Don't be rude Y/n, don't be rude it's just a friend. You kept telling yourself. "Oh, this is the girl I texted you about!" She gasped. "Oh, Albert! You talk about me too, it's like we're soulmates!" Your smile dropped but you caught it smiling once again awkwardly as Albert just hugged her back.

She held her hand out to you but didn't seem very pleased to meet you. "I'm Vanessa! Lovely meeting one of Albert's other friends." You shake her hand, "Oh, I'm not his friend. I'm his girlfriend." Albert smiled at Vanessa as if to confirm. "Oh... Well, lovely meeting you." She said in an annoyed tone. "Wanna join us, babe?" He said fixing his hair. You'd shake your head, "I think I'll pass... Have fun." You kissed Albert bye and walked back home.

"What a fucking weirdo..." You mumbled to yourself before realizing what you had said. No, no. I'm not jealous she's just a friend. You kept telling yourself in your head. You unlocked your front door ran up to your room took your shoes off and called Layla.

"Hey Y/n, what's up you look annoyed?" She said confused. "I am annoyed! A girl that went to high school with Albert ran into him and they're hanging out until 7... And she isn't very "friend" like." Layla grunted in confusion. "I beg your pardon? HE'S CHEATING!?" She said practically ready to grab the gun off her nightstand. "No, no! I'm just saying... She isn't very flattering and she practically moans his name." Layla scoffed, "You'll be fine, I'm sure Albert can't get anyone hotter than you Y/n." You clicked your tongue. "Oh stop you flirt." You both laughed but Layla ended up having to go so she hung up.


You sat waiting for Albert, the clock hit 7:30 and he still wasn't home. "Maybe I should try calling him..." You said grabbing your phone and calling him. No answer. You sighed and texted Layla instead.


Me: Hey. Are you doing anything right now?

Layla😫: NOPE, why?

Me: Albert still isn't home and it's past 7. I had something planned out for me and him but since he isn't here, do you wanna do it with me instead?

Layla😫: Sure! What're we doing though?

Me: Well, I was gonna make a cake with him since he claims "he doesn't know how to".

Layla😫: Oh... I'll be on my way in 30 minutes. Josh has a cold so I gotta give him medicine and put him to bed first.

Me: HE HAS A COLD IN THIS WEATHER? God damn. Well, I hope he feels better. See you soon!

Layla😫: YUP.


You were getting everything laid out when you heard a knock on the door, must be Layla. You ran over and opened it, she hugged you and walked in with a sleeping bag. "What do you have a sleeping bag?" You said laughing a little bit. "Well, my best friend is going through such a hard time why wouldn't I stay over?" You felt like tearing up and hugged her, "You're the fucking best Layla." You said laughing with her.

She set her stuff down and took her shoes off running into the kitchen where soon enough, you two would have made a mess in...

"LAYLA YOU DROPPED THE EGG!!!" "SHUT UP Y/N, WE'VE BARELY FINISHED THE DOUGH." You shoved her and it turned into a full-on fight with you two laughing on the floor. In the middle of your fight there was knocking on the door, you looked at her confused not expecting anyone. It was 10 at night, who would it be? You ran over opening the door to see Albert awkwardly smiling. Your happy expression dropped when you saw Vanessa behind him. "What." You said almost slamming the door on his face. "Hey, Vanessa wanted to stay over with us!-" You scoffed making him look confused. "She doesn't wanna stay with "us", she wants to stay with you. She isn't welcome here go to your house." Vanessa acted hurt as she pouted. Layla walked over and Vanessa stopped her act. "Albert... Hey, listen. You told Y/n here, you'd be home at 7. But you came home at 10. And now suddenly she wants to stay over with you two? It's pretty obvious she's into you. I mean from 9:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. is longer than most time you spend with Y/n. Pretty fishy but we don't have time to talk about it." Layla slammed the door on them locking it.

"Layla, that's my boyfriend you're talking to!" You said worried he'd be mad. "Y/n, that's also your boyfriend Vanessa is flirting with." She gave a fake sincere smile as you scoffed knowing she was right. "You got a key to his house right?" She said picking at her nails. "Yea, why?" She smiled. "If she's gonna flirt obviously she's gonna try something, if you get my drift." Your face went from confused to angry. "Oh no, she got me fucked up." "Yea, and she's about to have him fucked up too."

You two walked out the door quickly to Albert and Vanessa before they could get into his house. You tried to talk to Albert but before anyone knew Vanessa screamed and fell. Layla was already swinging on Vanessa.

Oh dear god.

(1,223 WORDS!!!♥♥)

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