Lord give me strength.

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You woke up to see Albert's head between your thighs, you felt your face heat up as you lightly poked him trying to get him up, "Huh?..." He said opening his eyes. It took a minute before he noticed where he fell asleep and started begging for forgiveness while you laughed in the corner of his bed.

"Oh my god, I am so fucking sorry." He said putting his hands up after he threw his whole wallet at you, "Albert it's fine dude." You said holding your stomach from laughing. His face was red, he was embarrassed. You felt horrible for laughing but you couldn't stop. You fell on the floor curling up and laughing. "It isn't funny!" He said nudging you."Ye- YES IT IS!" You said crying into laughter again. It took you 5 minutes to stop while Albert stood arms crossed no longer apologizing realizing you didn't take it seriously. You stood up gripping his arm for balance. You felt a hand wrap itself around your waist pulling you up straight to your balance. "It wasn't that funny." He said scoffing and rolling his eyes.

You couldn't talk with this man's hand on your waist, instead, you felt your face redden and the air get trapped inside your throat. But he didn't stop, it was as if this was his way of payback. You avoided his eyes and searched everywhere but his eyes and arms. You found yourself looking at your chest as an excuse not to stare at him, you felt his arm slither away almost missing the feeling of it.

You huffed quietly as he excused himself to the restroom to shower. You called your friend telling her everything, "And then he-" Your friend Layla's eyes shot big. "What?..." You said your camera is off. "B-behind you Y/N..." You felt your heart pump insanely. You turned your head to see Albert. "Then I what?" He said daring you to finish.

"Nothing." You said tucking your lips. You looked at Layla for a moment before looking back. "Yeah, I thought so." He said walking away. You turned around face beet red, if only Layla could see. "So UHM. How about you drop me off my spare key..." You said embarrassed. "Oh, yea... See you soon. Ha..."


(385 WORDS!!!)

Albert Aretz x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now